Codger on Politics

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

in a world of hurt

Stimulus Isn't a Dirty Word - Alan Blinder, Wall Street Journal
Yes it is.  The problem is, governments has an irrational confidence that they can control events.  A smart drunk, when he gets on his hourse, drop the rains and lets him find his way home.
“A debate now rages in Europe over whether fiscal austerity—that is, higher taxes and less spending—helps or hinders growth. That's progress of sorts. Not long ago, European policy makers seemed stuck on the notion that austerity promotes growth. Yes, we were supposed to believe that countries grow faster when their governments spend less and tax more. “
What they haven’t tried is spending less and not taxing more.  (but that is not fair, say the progressives). Leave taxes alone.  Fairness is a religious concept.  Everyone knows nature is not fair.  Only the reality deniers demand fairness.
How about instead of fairness, creating a level playing field.  Everyone treated equally.  Everyone has an equal opportunity.  (no attempting to compensate for unequal ability).  No picking winners. Allow winners to win.
“Events in Europe seem to have dashed that idea.” (only if you have a distorted perception of reality) ” But a similar debate rages here in the U.S.—with the lone exception that our pro-austerity crowd abhors tax increases. “ (maybe cause that works, that is lower spending without a tax increase)  ”It's a highly partisan debate, too, the sort that an election should decide.”
“Many Democrats, including President Obama, want to help state and local governments maintain their spending, which has now dropped 6.4% since its 2008 peak—and is still falling. Most Republicans reject that idea, even when it saves the jobs of teachers, fire fighters and police officers.” This republican rejects that idea.


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