Codger on Politics

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

The divide between Conscience Conservatives and Cotton Conservatives is growing rapidly.

The divide between Conscience Conservatives and Cotton Conservatives is growing rapidly.

Cotton Conservatives: from "• "Cotton Whigs" — The popular label applied to those Whigs who were not necessarily slavery supporters but were willing to make accommodations with both slavery itself as well as the idea of extending slavery into the territories and new states. The "cotton" in "Cotton Whigs" was symbolic of the fact that slaves were used to pick cotton — and that some Northern Whigs in the cotton textile manufacturing business made money off the backs of slaves in the South."

It would be useful to watch the individuals Karl Rove backs as a counter indication for conservative support. The people that tanked the likes of Sara Palin need to be identifies and removed from the paid campaigns staff of all conserve

"What Mr. Rove is proposing here is to turn over the Lincoln-Reagan legacy to Establishment Republicans — Cotton Conservatives — who love to pay lip service to Ronald Reagan while quietly working against the conservative principles Reagan so boldly stood for. Principles that won election victories no Republican since has come close to matching."

Also in need of watching are thee contributors to the Rove organization. They may need to be reasoned with.

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