Codger on Politics

Sunday, March 10, 2013

It is deliberate, stupid

It is deliberate, stupid
"If this seems familiar, it's because the offers come on the heels of Republican outrage over the decision to scrap White House tours as a consequence of sequestration budget cuts. Apparently, the president and his team had a choice: cancel the tours or start Secret Service furloughs. They chose the former.

And the right apparently can't stop talking about it, to the point that Fox personalities want to open their wallets to keep the tours going. By some accounts, Fox News has been more than a little preoccupied with the issue."

The answer to the question of why, is because the White House is deliberately sabotaging the taxpayer to punish him. It is petty. It is so little money. It is damaging to kids.

If the executive made cuts to programs no one cared about, then no one would notice.

I suspect laying off the persons making this decision, at the lowest level would achieve the savings. The worker bees would be unaffected and the reporting structure would be one less deep.

And that other item: does the beloved leader need more or the same as secrete service protection as GW?

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