Codger on Politics

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

If the Republicans are the, extortionists, Why is

If the Republicans are the, extortionists, Why is Obama shooting the Hostages?

"the 11th-hour debate in Congress to avert the shutdown. Noting a shameful statement by Speaker John Boehner, Milbank wrote: "Democrats howled about 'extortion' and 'hostage taking,' which Boehner seemed to confirm when he came to the floor and offered: 'All the Senate has to do is say 'yes,' and the government is funded tomorrow.' "

Obama is so set on his story, he has failed to notice he is overplaying is hand. It is obvious he has removed all the stops to make us suffer. It is like any crooked small time mayor, who gets mad when he does't get his way.

Dave Farnsworth


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