Codger on Politics

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Take up Archery

Take up Archery

I have tried to say this before but this satire is much better.

"But no matter which political tribe you belong to — Democrat, Republican, Socialist or Libertarian — there's one Halloween issue we can all agree on: the costume all young Americans will wear on Halloween.

We're not talking about their costume for this Halloween or the next, but for future Halloweens, when their jobs and prospects are crushed under a massive federal debt that will make today's $17 trillion figure look like couch change.

The costume for the young of the future is easy. They'll go as characters from "The Hunger Games."

Just as in the novels and the movies, the young will hunt each other down in a fight for survival. Yes, it may be a desperate, bloody business, but their antics will amuse the government/political elites.

Only it won't be dress-up or a fantasy. And there won't be any candy, not even Reese's Pieces.

Unemployment among young people in Greece hit 55 percent last week. We're on a similar track — bloated federal bureaucracy, unsustainable social programs, unprecedented millions of Americans on the public dole and more debt to come — it might be time for the young to stop listening to the music of the pipes on their electronic devices."

Dave Farnsworth


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