Codger on Politics

Saturday, November 02, 2013

A market solution to Obomacare

A market solution to Obomacare
the idea of the Affordable Care Act, even if they're unhappy with its implementation or some of its features. He's for something that addresses our health care needs. Republicans, lacking a plausible alternative, offer nothing but obstruction. The law is being implemented. The GOP can't fight it without, in effect, rolling back coverage and benefits. Changing the law's details is a popular position. Repealing it isn't."

I think a addition of plans that don't require insurance would be sufficient change to allow most to avoid the worst aspects. Suppose an option for health savings accounts were added with the condition that this would be in place of future Medicare or medical.

This approach would allow the supporters of Obomacare to continue using it, but allow the people who distrust government to cash out.

Obomacare would shrink if it doesn't perform and the future obligation of the federal government to provide medical support would be reduced.

What about insurance companies, wouldn't they be hurt? Yes. They were big supporters of Obomacare. That is justice.


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