Codger on Politics

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

My Favorite Site

I find this site a superior source of information. I like the completely unbiased presentation. All it is is “show me something interesting”

Our Opinion: U.S. should adopt, enforce ban on torture

“And, McCain points out, if the United States has a policy of torturing captives, nations that capture American soldiers would be more likely to torture them.” McCain is either dishonest or ignorant. My guess is he has “grown” in office until he has no respect for truth. What advantage is here to following international norms (for the opposition) if they are awarded POW status while beheading their prisoners. It is Liberal wishful thinking, from the Republican turn coat.

The problem is not the treatment of prisoners but the domination of the executive branch by the judicial. If we subject the executive to the vague concept of “torture” and then engage it in endless court battles, we will be subject to an enemy well aware of our Liberal weak link. The executive needs flexibility to respond appropriately.