Codger on Politics

Saturday, December 28, 2013

In support of Shutting Down the Federal Government

In support of Shutting Down the Federal Government

"It is difficult to recall and hard to believe that just three months ago some conservatives, mirroring progressives' lack of respect for the public, considered it imperative to shut down the government in order to stop Obamacare in its tracks. They feared that once Americans got a glimpse of the law's proffered subsidies, they would embrace it. Actually, once they glimpsed the law's details, they recoiled."

It is difficult to recall accurately. Even now I can't see how you can say the shutdown showed a lack of respect for the public.
1. The federal government was busy shooting the hostages to assure the federal government was to be missed. This was made more difficult by the fact that the shutdown was only of 20% of the government. That portion was barely missed.
2. If the republicans didn't shutdown the government, their commitment to removing ObamaCare would be in question. This act, forever ties ObamaCare to the Dems.
3. The federal government was not missed except for the actions it did to exaggerate the problems. The same manpower used to exaggerate problems, could have been made to minimize those problems. The risk would have been people would realize that 20% was not necessary.

The fact that our federal government tried to sabotage the public good, indicates a need to clean house, and permanently shrink that government.

Dave Farnsworth

Monday, December 23, 2013

But is it science?

But is it science?

"Reddit's Science Forum Banned Climate Deniers. Why Don't All Newspapers Do the Same?"
May because they want to keep a commitment to truth.

"So if half a dozen volunteers can keep a page with more than 4 million users from being a microphone for the anti scientific, is it too much to ask for newspapers to police their own editorial pages as proficiently?". Maybe when a half a dozen volunteers can run a credible newspaper.

The authors have not shown they support scientific truth.  On the internet, 4 million is not a big number.


What is wrong with complaint about Duck Dynasty

The progressive cabal picks targets, persons to destroy, and destroys them. The great low information voter, nods in agreement.

People need to think about what they are doing. This is the same lack of thought which has caused persecution throughout time.

Wait, alluding to persecutions past is not allowed! Says who?

If people using objectionable language is to be disallowed there is a lot of people guilty. Don't let the hatemongers focus your indignation.

Sunday, December 08, 2013

Not even close

Not even close

Before OmamaCare people worried about losing their medical care. Don't need to worry now, it is gone.
" President Obama's critics are right: Obamacare doesn't guarantee that everyone who likes their health insurance can keep it. In some cases, Obamacare is the reason people will lose health insurance they liked."
But won't matter, the doctor won't take it any way.

" What Obamacare comes pretty close to guaranteeing, though, is that everyone who needs health insurance, or who wants health insurance, can get it." To bad insurance isn't healthcare.

" Health insurance isn't such a fraught topic in countries such as Canada and France because people don't live in constant fear of losing their ability to get routine medical care. A decade from now, that will be true in the U.S., too. But it's not true yet, and paradoxically, that's one reason health reform is so difficult. The status quo has left people rightly fearful, and when people are afraid, change is even scarier."
I will predict this to be true, but not due to the success of obamacare, it will be to the over reach which causes all federal interference into healthcare being removed.

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Is this what progressive insanity looks like?

" The Republican Party is dead to African Americans", but not all, only the racist ones, that is 91%.  They will awaken when ObamaCare is fully implemented.

"The Republican Party is dead to Latinos" except for 27%. Are Hispanics so tribal that they vote the interests of illegals, instead of their own?

And the rant about disrespect of black values, blacks voted 91% for the black guy. Don't they need to earn respect.

The author is speaking to the far left, so what's the point.

Monday, December 02, 2013

When you think everyone but you are crazy, who's c

When you think everyone but you are crazy, who's crazy?

"We did a whole "Hardball" hour Friday on how the GOP ratcheted up the crazy this year. Chris Matthews made me break down Rep. Steve King's crazy anti-Mexican "calves the size of cantaloupes" slur, and I was forced to wonder why he's thinking with such a sculpter's eye for detail about another man's calves, while otherizing him into a beast of burden, not quite human. Way to go for that Latino vote in 2014, GOP."

So Hardball is the standard of truth for the GOP? I don't think so. Can we really believe this author has a concern about the success of the GOP? Other than assuring it isn't successful?

" Still, it may turn out that the ACA troubles were a brilliant Democratic plot to distract Republicans from their demographic terminal illness, and convince them that the Kill Obamacare playbook is all they need for 2014."

Bring on the brilliance! Although the current batch may be sufficient to kill off the DIMs for the immediate future. (notice I don't pretend to be hand ringing at the prospect). The GOP will benefit from the maturing of all the racial tribes onto the baby boomer generation. Not only are the life span of the boomers growing, but the growth from tribalism to rationality will continue to expand the group. Plus there are all those that are prematurely rational who are becoming active politically.

"It's easy to mock Steve "calves the size of cantaloupes" King. He's a doofus. But Sen. Ted "I won't study with people from the minor Ivies" Cruz is just as bad, and arguably worse." Why do they waste the ink on non arguments? But that is OK, I wouldn't want the DIM arguments to be effective, and it is just not in them to be rational.

"National reporters and pundits collude in the GOP's denialism. " Unfairly treated? It must be a shock to have a little balance in the mainstream media. They are just covering their tails in the event the DIMs go down hard. (It may be too late for them to save their brands). I need to try to restrain my optimism here, the DIMs will have to be exceptionally stupid to destroy 40 years of progressive gains, but I am hoping.

"I don't think Democrats should be celebrating just yet. A lot can still go wrong, and there's an industry devoted to finding and surfacing (or exaggerating or even concocting) scary Obamacare stories. Still, listening once again to Sen. Ted Cruz (on "Hardball") warning that people will become "addicted to the sugar" of ACA subsidies is a reminder of how the Tea Party leaders actually hate the Tea Party base. They'd privatize Medicare and Social Security and deny Mitch McConnell's constituents health insurance. It's amazing that Oprah gets grief for talking about when the Tea Party's racist base will die, when leaders like Cruz are the ones who would literally hasten that day." I believe the argument of Ted's may be a red herring. (Don't tell). A well run dole is addicting. obamacare is a sure loser. 100 million losers, picked so openly is not a recipe for addiction.

"actually hate the Tea Party base. " Where did this come from? You have to believe ObamaCare is actually helpful to make this true. The ObamaCare death panels are alive and well and they are coming for seniors. But I don't believe the tea party is significantly older than the DIMs.

"Rep. Michele Bachmann says the ACA's problems make Republicans "look like geniuses," and while it's easy to mock her non-genius, her party looks better politically than it did a month ago. " Another not smart dig to a successful GOP woman. The DIMs thinking they are smart is permanent self deception. Only the true believers will persist in this belief as the DIMs dramatically lose altitude. Only the straw filled heads will continue to think the Wizard's magic has made them smart.

Sunday, December 01, 2013

Progressive bubble vision

Progressive bubble vision

Let's restate the proposal.  Lets make it illegal to employ persons worth less than $15 per hour.
This will trap the inexperienced worker in unemployment. It will also increase the compensation of already over paid union workers.

How about a compromise. Increase the minimum wage to $15, while outlawing unions federal and not. It need not prohibit association of workers, only the legal fiction that unions represent workers.