Codger on Politics

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

When others are selected to die

A Never-ending Drone War - Micah Zenko, Foreign Policy
“Targeted killings have exacted a considerable toll, far beyond what anyone imagined in the immediate post-9/11 era. Although the publicly available numbers vary among research organizations, an estimated 3,400 people have been killed -- 13 percent of whom were civilians. To more fully understand the scope of these operations, the charts below present data derived by the New America Foundation, The Bureau of Investigative Journalism (TBIJ), and the Long War Journal.”
Somewhere there is a death panel that condemned 3400 people.  None were presumed innocent, while many were acknowledged as innocent collateral damage.
War is hell, but is this really war?  Or is this just what we do when people get in the way.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Your not understanding doesn't means it is not true.

3rd Debate: Obama Outpoints Romney - Eugene Robinson, Washington Post
“But going into the last two weeks of the campaign, we still have no idea how Romney would manage to cut income tax rates by 20 percent without increasing the deficit. We don’t know which tax deductions he would target for possible elimination, although he did say at the town-hall debate that his plan might be to establish an overall deductions cap and let taxpayers decide which ones to take. He still has not made the slightest attempt to demonstrate that the arithmetic adds up.”
If Eugene only used tools he understood, he would never ride in a car or boat (with a motor). I believe the fact that Progressives don’t understand how Mitt’s plan would work is a clue to why the last 4 years didn’t work. They don’t have a clue how the economy works.

Friday, October 19, 2012

A Simple Solution

Never mind that by the questioner's standards, the White House is a hotbed of sexist discrimination.
According to a report published by the Washington Free Beacon in April, the 2011 annual report on White House staffers revealed that the median annual salary for female White House employees was 18% less than male employees — $60,000 compared with $71,000
How about cutting the pay of all male white house workers by 15.5%.  The males will feel the female’s pain, some staffers will go on to more productive jobs in the private sector, and all females might get over the idea that equality means they get a raise. A very progressive solution.
(and we save money too!)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Exposing not exploiting Terror Attack.

The day of these attacks, with half information in a way that was denounced by both Republicans and Democrats and there’s no doubt that he’s working hard to exploit this issue and I would point to the fact that this morning, in Bloomberg news, Chris Stevens' dad said that he regretted that people were trying to exploit this issue and I think we ought to follow the lead of the ambassador's family and allow this investigation to run and get to the bottom of it. And, make the adjustments that are necessary. By the way, in that same...”
I have another viewpoint.  Maybe the Obama administration response was so outlandish, and the stakes were so high that it was important to expose the cover-up being perpetrated. It would be beyond the Obama people to conceive of someone with a concern for his country which would override political considerations.

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

NYT defending the right of the dead to vote

A state judge on Tuesday brought some temporary relief to the democratic process in Pennsylvania, ruling that voters there will be able to cast a ballot for president next month even if they lack an ID card. If the ruling holds up, it will mean the failure, for now, of a Republican effort to disenfranchise minority and low-income voters likely to support President Obama.
The ongoing defense of voter fraud.

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Emperor Obama has no clothes

“Yes, the system is rigged under Obama, rigged to favor the growth of the federal government — its bureaucrats and the lobbyists, lawyers and special-interest groups that feed off taxpayers — at the expense of reviving the private economy where taxpayers live. Perhaps nothing summarizes Obama’s failures better than this picture of government affluence funded on the backs of the middle class.
Starve the beast, place the federal government under a status quo minus 20% headcount, with special limits to those departments which have grown recently (under Obama). It has worked in the world I live in.

Monday, October 01, 2012

Unnamed experts

“As was the case a generation ago, budget experts agree that neither major party candidate for president has a credible plan to balance the budget. President Obama wants more government spending to help create jobs. The centerpiece of Republican nominee Mitt Romney's plan is $5 trillion in tax cuts.”
Not true.   The tried and true solution is the one of the founding fathers: let the natural course of events, with minimal control, correct the situation.  Don’t attempt to control the uncontrolable. That is the Mitt Romney solution, and evedently the author didn’t consult the right experts.
budget experts agree”,” it is settled science”… yata yata yata

Romney Can't Escape Narrative of Failure - Howard Kurtz, The Daily Beast

Romney Can't Escape Narrative of Failure - Howard Kurtz, The Daily Beast

Alex Castellanos, a former Romney adviser, should stay former forever. Giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

"Any Romney attack on President Obama is treated as an obvious sign of desperation, as someone trailing in all those polls must be on the verge of collapse. Politico is even speculating that Obama could win an Electoral College landslide." This is not the comment on the facts but an instruction to his fellow MSMers.

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