Codger on Politics

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A compromise.

The Pro-Life Paradox - Judith Lewis Mernit, The American Prospect
“Twenty weeks marks a crucial point in a pregnancy, when fetal abnormalities can be detected, often for the first time. Many women confronted with a grim prenatal diagnosis choose to have an abortion. Now, in Arizona, they can’t.”
The problem is that, it seems some women have abortions for frivolous reasons.  The left says abortion should be rare, but circumstance require abortion some times. Ok, let’s suppose it is urgent that an abortion be performed,  what assurance does society have that the abortion is needed?  How about after 20 months, any abortion is accompanied by a sterilization. Now there is an incentive not to have an abortion unless really necessary. (Similarly, sometimes it is really necessary to kill your spouse.  If you can do the time, have at it).

"True reproductive freedom isn’t just about having the right to end a pregnancy, she argues; it’s also about not being “condemned to a life of penury” because you had a child. "   I had a sister with special needs.  I lived that life. Those of you who advocate abortion, need to understand how your own life is diminished by this practice. I don't consider reproductive freedom a right, and I would prefer you (abortion rights advocates) not reproduce. In the collective, you too are disposable.

Maybe "Brave New World" they had the right idea.  Sterilize everyone at birth and only allow the really well to reproduce.

Another compromise idea.  let you have abortions when you want, but any viable child, must be given every chance to survive outside the mother's body. Once delivered and breathing, and even before, a doctor failing to give every consideration to the unborn should no longer be allowed to practice. The Mother has a right to be rid of the unborn but not to have it killed.
-from Arizona

Republican => rising economy

Mitt Romney vs. Republican Governors - Michael Crowley, Time
It’s safe to say that Eric Fehrnstrom isn’t writing the talking points for these governors. But while all of them support Romney, they also have their own political self-preservation in mind. And they know that it’s not just the President whom voters will blame for a rotten economy.” ??? Why is this hard to understand.  If the states with republican governors are having improving economies, could it be that the key word is “Republican”.  As in Republican => rising economy. To get the same result in all the states, duplicate the successful conditions, make the president a republican. ( Do you suppose President Obama will convert?)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

When the opinion that freedom is optional is unacceptable.

Core to the defense of the constitution is the accepting of freedoms acknowledged in the United States founding documents.  Recent removal of a Gay activist from the Romney campaign prompted the condemnation of removing a person for being Gay.
“Writes Grenell:
Over the last few weeks there has been a public debate about how Republicans react to the issue of gay marriage. Some extremists have given the media fodder by suggesting that support for gay marriage disqualifies one from being a GOP activist. Some have even said that gay Republicans shouldn’t be too visible or involved in party politics.
Thousands of Republicans privately voiced support for my appointment and were disappointed by the events that led to my resignation earlier this month. Some did so while admitting they disagreed with my support for gay marriage. But they too are passionate about a strong America, personal responsibility and independent religious institutions–issues that should be at the forefront of this year’s presidential election.
Like many voters, I rarely agree with a candidate’s every position. I can support Mr. Romney for president but not agree with all of his stated policies. I can be proud of President Obama’s personal support for gay marriage and still take exception to his dismal national-security and economic records.
Millions of American voters will also evaluate both candidates’ policies in total and come to the same conclusion: Mr. Obama doesn’t deserve to be re-elected and Mr. Romney does.”
The reason to oppose is not the support of Gay Marriage, but the forcing of the population to accept concepts clearly opposed by their religion.  Freedom of religion trumps the current political correctness.  Respect for the constitution clearly trumps this Presidents radical agenda.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The problem with the Nanny State

The problem with the Nanny State

"And though I'm not interested in having the Catholic Church dictate the moral contours of my life, I am equally uninterested in having the Obama administration do it. And the dogmatism of the left -- though not driven by God and though, culturally speaking, I may occasionally agree with it -- is no less intrusive, whatever you might make of contraception."
I have run into the attitude that it is best to give in on one of our rights (gun ownership), and I object. This is the reason:"it all is tied together".

Sent from my iPad

Friday, May 18, 2012

BAM Birther?

Not that it matters but can we take Obama at his word? He surely knew of this since he took down the info just prior to running for president.
“The Breitbart Crew has done the world a very valuable service in finding a 1991 biography of Barack Obama from his literary agent claiming he was “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.””

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Are you paranoid if they are really out to get you?

Is There a Drone in Your Backyard? - Andrew Napolitano, Reason
“Add to all this the use of drones to kill people. President Obama has argued that he can use drones to kill Americans overseas, whose deaths he believes will keep us all safer, without any constitutional due process whatsoever. His attorney general has argued that the president's careful consideration of each target and the narrow use of deadly drones are an adequate substitute for due process. Of course, no court has ever ruled that way. The president's national security adviser has argued that the use of drones is humane since they are "surgical" and only kill their targets. Of course, that's not true, but it misses the point. Without a declaration of war, the president can't lawfully kill anyone, no matter how humane his killing.”
Would it be illegal to obstruct the drones?

Please pass some of what you are smoken

Mitt Romney's Tea Party Masters - Michael Tomasky, The Daily Beast
Why is it a liability? Because of the two candidates running for president, only one has proposed a tax plan that would send the deficit soaring to ever-new heights, and that candidate is Romney. It’s hard to come up with a concrete number, because Romney won’t say which loopholes he’d close.” 
This is complete BS.  Mikey is assuming too much. If we take the Progressive hand off the spending valve, the deficits won’t balloon.  If we do nothing (BAM solution), they will.
The House has the power to stop spending.
BAM has shown he doesn’t have the political will to prevent it. 
But if I were Romney, I’m pretty sure I’d be ..” Romney would be a democrate, and as brain dead as the rest of you.
“also gives Obama a free shot at tying Romney to the hard right” Decoded: moderate.
“The Tea Party obviously still has a lot of staying power.”

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Pogressive rage and anxiety

Mitt Romney's Budget Fairy Tale - Jonathan Chait, New York Magazine
“Mitt Romney delivered a speech today about the budget deficit. It’s hard to wrap your arms around Romney’s argument, because it’s an amalgamation of free-floating conservative rage and anxiety, completely untethered to any facts, as agreed upon by the relevant experts.”  Said Jonathan, Just like global warming, true is whatever the Progressive elite deem it is. “Relevant experts” are in the eye of the beholder.  Hum…. I wish he would have been more specific.  I read the speech and didn’t find any statement fitting the criticism.  Maybe I need to drink the Progressive cool aide? Do they call that transference, where you accuse your opponent of thinking as you do?
An Important change is happening in the presidential race — the belief that Mitt Romney could actually win is spreading. There is a growing confidence among his supporters, and the polls are starting to pick up a shift in his favor.
There is another indicator, however, and it is far more reliable. The left-leaning media is getting hysterical, launching over-the-top attacks on Romney and moving to protect President Obama as they see the public turning away from their man.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

How to break up the big banks.

Once Again, Break Up the Big Banks - Arnold Kling, National Review
“Instead, we should seek limits on the asset size of individual banks. J. P. Morgan today is about ten times as large as any bank ought to be. The general public should not have to lose sleep worrying about this or any other individual bank’s fate, and with smaller banks, they wouldn’t have to.”
Currently banks borrow from the Federal reserve.  Have the Federal Reserve not deal with entities with assets exceeding one hundred million dollars.  The definition of the entity would need to be comprehensive to avoid a paperwork shuffle to avoid the limit.  The limits would need to be inforced by rulemakes with no incentive to accede to the banks interests, probably appointed officials, confirmed by congress, with tenure. Possibly competing groups, with a downside of significant magnitude if a bank defaulted, and the assets were determined above the limit. Such as, the monitoring agency would cease to exist.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Paul Krugman's distorted eye sight

Why We Regulate - Paul Krugman, New York Times
They say if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
Why, exactly, are banks special? Because history tells us that banking is and always has been subject to occasional destructive “panics,” which can wreak havoc with the economy as a whole. Current right-wing mythology has it that bad banking is always the result of government intervention, whether from the Federal Reserve or meddling liberals in Congress. In fact, however, Gilded Age America — a land with minimal government and no Fed — was subject to panics roughly once every six years. And some of these panics inflicted major economic losses.
I ships, a hole in the side is a definte panic. Ship builders learned to comparrtimentalize the ship to avoid unacceptable losses. The Titanic did that but not too well.
There fore, the solution to major economic losses, is to campatmentalize the major losses until they become monor losses. A prudent bussiness man knows to do that. Should the government have a role in assuring no major losses? No.
The government has a role in making a level playing field, especially to assure the small players aren’t trod on by the big guys. Now days it is most likely that the government is troding on the small guys while holding hands with the big guys because as Paul says: “Just to be clear, businessmen are human — although the lords of finance have a tendency to forget that — and they make money-losing mistakes all the time.” This applies to the Federal Government (in Spades), and to Paul Krugman.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Romney would need a crash course in Bullying, if he is to catch the Obama democrats.

Romney: Once a Bully, Always a Bully - Paul Begala, The Daily Beast
“A less-commented upon part of the Post's story on Romney's teenage years is …” wait didn’t you get the memo, the post story has been shown to be a fabrication at least in part, plus the Post has been shown dishonest in trying to cover that up.
One can draw a straight line from the young man who ” was the young Paul B. and his current conduct.  He must have been a rotten kid.

In support of partisanship

Richard Lugar lost the Indiana Senate primary to Richard Mourdock, a radical right-winger. …his thoughtful farewell letter
“Unfortunately, we have an increasing number of legislators in both parties who have adopted an unrelenting partisan viewpoint.  This shows up in countless vote studies that find diminishing intersections between Democrat and Republican positions.  Partisans at both ends of the political spectrum are dominating the political debate in our country.   And partisan groups, including outside groups that spent millions against me in this race, are determined to see that this continues.  They have worked to make it as difficult as possible for a legislator of either party to hold independent views or engage in constructive compromise.  If that attitude prevails in American politics, our government will remain mired in the dysfunction we have witnessed during the last several years.  And I believe that if this attitude expands in the Republican Party, we will be relegated to minority status.  Parties don't succeed for long if they stop appealing to voters who may disagree with them on some issues.”
I take issue with the idea that some holding un-compromising views cannot be open minded to discussion of those views.  To hold principles is to be very resistant to violating them. Then there is everything else, a world of possible compromising. As to the governments dysfunction, the goals of a functional government are in question.  A complete  reboot may be in order.
I have pots of plants here in Tucson, which sometime get sickly.  Often, on raising the pot, I find a large root of some desert plant going into the pot to suck it dry.  I believe there are currently too many diversions of public money that are causing the current fiscal crisis. We need to find and cut those roots, which are causing our sickliness.
I judge as diversion anything being done that is not specifically enumerated in the constitution. Trimming off unconstitutional functions of government would free both people and money, for more profitable use in the private sector.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Pass some of that stuff you are smoking

Game Over for the Climate - James Hansen, New York Times
Proof, I don’t need no stinking proof.  I say it is so, get over it.  It is true.

Liberals don't get it.

Why the Right Really Hates Obama - Theo Anderson, In These Times
why ‘that hopey changey stuff’ is the only true antidote to Tea Party cynicism.
What is the antidote for Liberal cynicism?
What makes this so damaging and dangerous is that cynicism breeds only cynicism, and hopelessness is a self-fulfilling prophecy. So it’s interesting to consider that, at the heart of the biblical narrative that so many of the Tea Party faithful claim to believe, there’s more than sin and corruption. There is also the possibility of redemption and a basis for hope. There is a Messiah.” Does this make us Clingers?  So you read the Bible, was that opposition research? This is complete BS, but it has a tonal quality of truth, keep trying. Is it cynicism to ignore religious advise from a godless progressive?
“So the source of the Right’s hatred of Obama isn’t just that he’s a black man and a liberal. It’s also that he’s so much better than any Republican at articulating “that hopey changey stuff,” as Sarah Palin once derided it. The mockery of Obama as the Messiah reveals far more about the Tea Party than it does about the president. They long for a Reagan-style message of hope and possibility. What they get is…Mitt Romney. “
I believe the real problem with president Obama, is his phoniness. He is not really a black man (half Black but all progressive), He is not really concerned about following the constitution. And he really believes he is better than all of us.  He really believes he should be give dictatorial powers (for our own good).

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

The coming Constitutional Crisis, actually following it.

“the collision of an increasingly radical Republican Party with a creaky political system poorly equipped to handle unified, fanatical parties.”
This is nonsense. The current political system has stood the test of time.  Progressives are frustrated because it works too well for their tastes. The House of Representatives is supposed to put the brakes on unnecessary spending.  And the Constitution deliberately limited the powers of the Federal Government so it mattered less.
An in the beginning there were nothing but fanatical parties.  It was designed for that.  What is an unfortunate current problem is that the Parties have been conspiring to fleece the public. We need more fanaticisms, not less.  (BTW, the right wing fanatics are late to the party, the left wing fanatics are so ingrained, they think they are the new normal.)
“Barack Obama has enacted entitlement cuts and proposed others, has offered to support tort reform multiple times, and has signed several free trade agreements.”   This is the standard liberal “rope a dope” which has worked so well for them over the years.  They move two feet to the left and are upset when we don’t accept moving back a foot as compromise. The result is no compromise, since we have been played so often.
“Mourdock cited against him: Lugar voted to confirm two of Obama’s Supreme Court nominees. Obviously, Lugar would not have chosen to nominate an Elena Kagan or a Sonia Sotomayor. But he was following a longstanding practice of extending presidents wide ideological latitude on their Supreme Court picks. In the absence of corruption, lack of qualifications, or unusual ideological extremism, Democratic presidents have always been allowed to pick liberal justices”  The two justices mentioned fall in the unusual ideological extremism category.  The fact that the progressives are trying to make their position the norm does not in fact make them less extreme.  Belief in the constitution and the American way are essential.  There are plenty of extreme progressive (socialist, communist, dictatorships) in the world.  America is unique.  Leave it alone.

A Big Defeat for the D.C. Status Quo - Sen. Rand Paul, Washington Times
"Already the establishment cries that Richard Mourdock will not compromise - but compromise has been the name of the game for decades. Compromise leads to ever-escalating military and domestic spending. Washington needs statesmen, not horse traders. Our country needs principled leaders who will stand up and say no to trillion-dollar deficits.
I look forward to a class of Republican freshman senators next January who fit the bill of statesmen - and we will see this strong breed come forth out of primaries in the next few weeks and become victorious in November.
Sen. Rand Paul is a Kentucky Republican."
I agree with Rand Paul on this.

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

The limits to governmental power

Socialism Spreads Misery to Europe - Richard Rahn, Cato Institute
“The rich in Europe and the U.S. are not just going to sit around to be fleeced by corrupt and incompetent governments. Being rich means you and your capital are mobile. There are many nice places on the globe where rich people and their money are well-treated.”

Missing the point

Edward Conard Says What Romney Won't - Michael Kinsley, Bloomberg
Let’s accept the thesis that people have earned their wealth if their contribution to society outweighs the contribution to their own pocketbook.” – Let’s not.  “Let’s accept the thesis that people have earned their wealth”.  The benefit comes automatically.
Conard clearly believes that he is in the Alpha elite that should get more money, not less. He was a partner of Mitt Romney at Bain Capital until he retired a few years ago at age 51. This makes him a counterexample to his own theory. His rapid accumulation of huge wealth (estimated in the story to be “most likely in the hundreds of millions”) did not cause him to buckle down and work even harder. It caused him to retire and follow pursuits more satisfying to him than making more money.   Has the argument gone astray here?  Should or should not the rich strive to make their incomes even more inequitable?  If a person had made more than the average contribution to the wealth of the country, isnt that enough? And “follow pursuits more satisfying” is the very reason the hidden hand works. 

America for Americans

In Search of Americanism - Ned Ryun, The American Spectator
“Republicanism has proved insufficient as a guidepost for American values.”
“Americanism has been polluted by other “isms,””
“The American dream has long been seen in the pillars of our communities, like service organizations, business associations, and religious groups, which today are crumbling along with our bridges, dams, and tunnels.”
IT'S TIME TO FIGHT for the survival of Americanism
Americanism is freedom founded on the power of the individual, and his ability to achieve without undue government interference
All who appreciate Americanism have to celebrate and defend it in their daily lives. America needs everyday citizens to engage continuously on local, state, and national issues.
The magnificent story of America is only over if we choose to let it be. If we’re willing to put our hands to the plow and relentlessly pursue Americanism—and truly fight for it—this nation can be renewed and climb to even greater heights of freedom and prosperity in the 21st century.
That all said, Americanism is not all good, Just better than anything else.  Americans are superior to others in the world, but that is ok, because all are invited to become Americans.  Possibly only in place, due to immigration restrictions, but Americinism is a state of mind, one which has the power to defeat the other “isms”.

Monday, May 07, 2012

A good spoof of the original Julia story

Julia's Circle of Life - David Burge, IowaHawk

Friday, May 04, 2012

Obama, pro and con

This seems to be a pro Obama piece, but seems to accurately portrays, the counter arguments. (Someone must’ve not read his talking points).
What Does Mitt Romney Have to Offer? - Greg Sargent, Washington Post
“Romney’s position is that these fine public servants are public servants are luxuriating in excessive pay, a fact that, unlike swelling income inequality, constitutes a major source of unfairness in American life. (“We will stop the unfairness of government workers getting better pay and benefits than the taxpayers they serve,” he said last week.)”  It is true that public servants are getting excessive pay but the reason they arent luxuriating in their pay, is their insistence on equal pay. No one is luxuriating in average pay. If only the most productive were retained and the salaries of those were based on performance, there would be justification for the higher salaries would be that performance. Lower total salary expense, would help the economy overall. (I realize that that is just my opinion, do the liberals realize that their analysis is only an opinion)
“Obama, of course, will have to persuade voters that this vision is morally bankrupt, that in practice, all it really translates into is a lower tax burden for the wealthy, and that history has shown that lowering that tax burden has not translated into broadly shared prosperity at all.” Obama’s tasking of persuading the public of a falsity is indeed a challenge. One for which he has lots of practice. Obamas position is to sell that idea that he can steal, covet, and bear false witness because he has the power.  When you target 1% of the population for higher taxes, and rely on the greed of the takers to keep you in office, it is a perversion of the democratic process and was the reason when the US was formed, no one thought it would last.
In addition to working on violating all the ten commandments, Obama disrespects the constitutional constraints.  This is not a pure democracy, because if it was it wouldnt survive our immoral leaders.

Oboma's war on women (and everyone else)

Obama Campaign: Women Are Helpless - Dana Loesch, Big Government
“As a woman, the idea that I can't accomplish anything in life unless a male in government plans it out for me is offensive. It's amazing to me how progressives reject the oversight of the Divine and the gift of free will but embrace the oppressive oversight of flawed men who reject free will. Men, too, should be offended at their lack of representation in the life of Julia--the white, faceless female stereotype that the Obama administration sees as the average female voter. “

Thursday, May 03, 2012

The middle class is alive and well (or at least ok) in flyover country.

Death of a Salesman's Dreams - Lee Siegel, New York Times
“Tickets for the original run, in 1949, cost between $1.80 and $4.80; tickets for the 2012 run range from $111 to $840. After adjusting for inflation, that’s a 10-fold increase, well beyond the reach of today’s putative Willy Lomans.”  Being priced out of the “Left Coasts” liberal ruling class preferred activity is more than ok.  We don’t do trips to space, or cruises either.
Ever tightening financial straits for the average American and the erosion of social safety nets have given the lie to now quaint values like hard work. Perhaps elite intellectuals like Mr. Miller himself unwittingly created an atmosphere hostile to such middle-class attitudes.”  More likely the expansion of the social safety nets has made hard work for suckers, but try hard work, you will like it.
Perhaps there is a simple, unlovely reason “Death of a Salesman” has become such a beloved institution. Instead of humbling its audience through the shock of recognition, the play now confers upon the people who can afford to see it a feeling of superiority — itself a fragile illusion. ”  Liberal need something to make themselves superior.  In the back of their minds they know they are inferior to the average (flyover country) Joe.  They are the Capital dwellers of the “Hunger Games”

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Global Warming debunked.

How I Learned Not to Deny Climate Change - Robert Tracinski, TIA Daily
The alarmists who warn about recent man-made global warming are the ones who deny the reality of climate change. They are, in fact, advocates of climate stasis. They assume that the "normal" climate is basically what it was in 1970—not coincidentally, about the time of the first "Earth Day"—and any recent variation from that norm must require some extraordinary explanation.

Liberal don't know which way is up.

he Blind Spot in Romney's Economic Plan - Jonathan Cohn, New Republic
I don't expect a lot of specificity from a presidential candidate. I'm looking for a framework, a road map. And it seems undeniable that Gov Romney's road map leads this economy right back over the supply-side, trickle-down, deregulatory cliff from which we're still climbing back.” That’s the problem, Liberals don’t know which way is up.  Or maybe the problem is addressing the Liberal unemployment which is solved by hiring liberals into government.  If these government liberals are so smart, let’s turn them loose to rebuild the private sector, by removing them from government.
To a liberal, gravity pulls up (toward the peak of power) Everyone else’s is climbing up against gravity (and the government), to success.