Codger on Politics

Monday, April 30, 2012

It's not your money

When Will Big Tech Pay Its Fair Share? - Duhigg & Kocieniewski, NY Times
“the majority of Apple’s executives, product designers, marketers, employees, research and development, and retail stores are in the United States. Tax experts say it is therefore reasonable to expect that most of Apple’s profits would be American as well. The nation’s tax code is based on the concept that a company “earns” income where value is created, rather than where products are sold.”
So, would California rather the company moved all of its executives overseas? What value the state of California bring to the earning of Apple profits? What value does the US have to Apple profits. Maybe the state and the country needs to think of itself as the bedroom portion of the house, with the action going on elsewhere.
Also, is this a first where the liberals are recognizing the value of the management?
“Such lost revenue is one reason California now faces a budget crisis, with a shortfall of more than $9.2 billion in the coming fiscal year alone. The state has cut some health care programs, significantly raised tuition at state universities, cut services to the disabled and proposed a $4.8 billion reduction in spending on kindergarten and other grades. ”
No, California has too high of a tax rate and spends too much. They should privatize the universities, and cut lose the teachers unions (that is quite aiding in their ripping off of the teachers and the state.).
Finally, what busines is this of the New York Times?

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Is the vast left wing conspiracy coming off its wheels?

Live Not By Obama's Lies - Matthew Continetti, Washington Free Beacon
Lotsof quotes of President Obama showing truth in place of the party line.

The Black/White conservative view on racism

Who Is "Racist"? Part II - Thomas Sowell, Investor's Business Daily
They often ask if I can suggest something to have their offspring read over the summer, in order to counteract this indoctrination.
This year the answer is a no-brainer. It is a book with the unwieldy title, No Matter What ...They'll Call This Book Racist by Harry Stein, a writer for what is arguably America's best magazine, City Journal. In a little over 200 very readable pages, the author deftly devastates with facts the nonsense about race that dominates much of what is said in the media and in academia.
” -- Thomas Sowell
Thomas Sowell (Black), advising you have your kids read a book by Harry Stein (White) on racism. Looks good to me.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

an insult to Lilly Ledbetter

Romney's Insult to All Women - Lilly Ledbetter, CNN
Complaining about how much you get paid is one thing, enforcing equal pay with a law is another.  For one thing it doesn’t work.
This reminds me of the 1980 Popeye movie. where Wimpy continually complains, “You owe me an apology”, and is just about as effective.
Requiring employers to pay equal wages, is an invitation for them not to employee the protected persons at all.

Monday, April 23, 2012

some might call it treason

Can Obama Safely Embrace Islamists? - Michael Hirsh, National Journal
“the Obama administration is taking a new view of Islamist radicalism. The president realizes he has no choice but to cultivate the Muslim Brotherhood and other relatively "moderate" Islamist groups emerging as lead political players out of the Arab Spring in Egypt, Tunisia and elsewhere.”
“It is no longer the case, in other words, that every Islamist is seen as a potential accessory to terrorists. "The war on terror is over," one senior State Department official who works on Mideast issues told me.”
democracy--through Islamism.  ”  -oxymoron
If we have people raising the white flag, it isn’t because it is the best interest of this country.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Pelosi obfuscation

Honoring the Constitution & the Court - Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Chicago Tribune
“Indeed, for all of their professed adherence to the Constitution, it is striking that House Republicans have led repeated efforts to prohibit federal courts — including the Supreme Court — from conducting reviews, including reviewing the constitutionality of a law.”
Mrs. Pelosi is being deliberately dense by describing judicial activism as interpreting the constitution. The separation of powers cannot allow any one branch to have absolute power.  Just as the courts have an obligation to disallow laws that violate the constitution, there are procedures to correct the court if it is clear the court is not using the constitution as its yardstick. The courts have been too lenient on the congress, allowing them, for instance, to effectively delegating the lawmaking power.  Congress has made the commerce clause a “get out of jail card” to pass laws that clearly (in my view) violate the constitution delegation of “everything else” to the states. And how can it be constitutional for congress to pass laws, they have had no opportunity to read, much less understand.

Monday, April 16, 2012

The GOP's War Against Obama - John Heilemann, New York Magazine

The Democratic side is the favorite in this fight, no doubt. But there are signs amid the skirmishing that the Republican team can’t be counted out just yet.” The reason for this reasoning is that the main stream media do not yet realise how damaging their transparent bias, as evidenced by this quote, has been to their collective creditability. “New York City?!” as is said in the salsa ad, nothing credible comes from New York City.
With out the accoustomed boost of the biased bedia the 2012 campain may fizzel like a north Koran missile when the secong stage refuses to kick in.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Clingers, here we go again

That may be the final irony: The longer they cling to their ridiculous tax pledges, the more both parties lose their ability to shape public policy on the issues they claim to care about most. ” – and that’s a problem, how?
The Danger of Anti-Tax Orthodoxy - Ezra Klein, Bloomberg
“Republicans view taxes with an almost religious fervor: They are profane and must always be fought. Get thee behind me, revenues! Democrats see them as a kind of moral cause: They are about “fairness,” and should be used to help rectify some of the most glaring inequities in the economy. Lost on both sides is a more practical view of taxes: They are how the government pays for itself. “
There is a reason for this.  It is the “I will gladly pay tomorrow for a hamburger today” argument. For two long, Charlie Brown has been swinging at “the tax, spending cut” ball, only to have the spending cut part dropped after the new taxes go into effect. The spending drunks will say anything for one more drink.
PT Barnum said you would never go broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public. Maybe the Democrat party has been to that well once too often.
“But in the long run, this anti-tax orthodoxy is likely to harm both parties. Democrats cannot, in the coming decades, pay for the social welfare state they say they support by raising taxes only on the rich. Yet sharply raising taxes only on the rich -- the most noxious and counterproductive kind of tax increase, according to Republicans -- is all but guaranteed if Republicans continue to oppose any and all attempts at revenue- raising tax reform and force future tax hikes to come entirely through Democratic votes. ”
Consider this: suppose the house shutdown the Federal Government, and let the states carry the load until the drunk dries out.  Without the constant graft to fund the federal clerks, maybe they would find a real job.  And without the public unions, maybe to balance between the “makers and the takers” could resume a sustainable stability. I predict the States could do just fine without federal direction.

Just say YES

“ranking street-corner dealers is pointless: A $200 transaction can cost society $100,000 for a three-year sentence. And imprisoning large numbers of dealers produces an army of people who, emerging from prison with blighted employment prospects, can only deal drugs.”
Saving the self distructive is too expensive. If drugs were free, no one would be pushing.  QED free drugs elimates drug pushers.

Not Fair!

The way this explains it, people will think that they will get a bigger piece of the pie, and that will be more than they are getting now.  It may be that the 1% will be more miserable (though I doubt it), but the response will be a drastically smaller pie.
There will come a time, starvation (not merely hungry) will be common place with the progressive team in charge. See: Hunger Games.
Ask  not who corruption will screw, it will be you.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Greedy parentally challenged scum

These foul beings list basic deductions i.e. money that is literally taken off the top, like state taxes, as some gift given to you.   Let’s see a list of cabinet departments and their actual expenditures.  And put some piggy faces with each department.
It’s not your money. 

Wait, I am not being fair.  Let's put it all on the table, but include the standard deduction, and earned income tax credits- include all tax credits.  Lets make it so you pay taxes on the first dollar earned. 

Then let's see if everyone is ok with wasting money.

BTW when the state and local taxes combine with federal taxes to exceed 100% there may be a problem.

Monday, April 09, 2012

The Strategy is to lie, the article says between the lines.

Wisconsin Dems' Walker Recall Strategy - Andy Kroll, Mother Jones
They need to get better at lying, at least in published articles, if this is going to work.
was Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's surprise assault on public-employee unions in 2011 that set in motion the statewide recall campaign to oust him from office. But don't expect Wisconsin's Democratic Party to make workers' rights a central focus in their quest to oust Walker.” You mean they lie by omission?
In an interview, an official with the Democratic Party of Wisconsin downplayed the importance of the anti-union provisions in Walker's "budget repair" bill in the Democrats' broader recall strategy. "Collective bargaining is not moving people," says Graeme Zielinski’ translated: we have to lie because people wouldn’t support us if we told the truth.
And this is from the supporters of the unions, how much worst must it be.

Thursday, April 05, 2012

Drifting beats full speed off the cliff.

“That's what happens when Washington's default setting is always along party lines.”
The fact that the parties align with deep held beliefs, and beliefs in conflict, is incidental.  It is two world views so different that compromise is not an option.  I believe the progressive view is to “double down on stupid”.  I am sure the progressive view is similar with roles reversed.
The voters will need to decide the winners, and if the wrong choice is made, we will all be losers.
The Rodney King solution, “Why can’t we all get along”, isn’t going to work.

The Liberal Ideal:
 Enter Totalitarian Democracy - Andrew McCarthy, The New Criterion

 "This difficulty could only be resolved by thinking not in terms of men as they are, but as they were meant to be, and would be, given the proper conditions. In so far as they are at variance with the absolute ideal they can be ignored, coerced or intimidated into conforming without any real violation of the democratic principle being involved. In the proper conditions, it is held, the conflict between spontaneity and duty would disappear, and with it the need for coercion. The practical question is, of course, whether constraint will disappear because all have learned to act in harmony, or because all opponents have been eliminated.

Islam, we are tirelessly reminded by its apologists citing Sura 2:256, prohibits compulsion in matters of religion. We need, however, to read the sharia fine-print. True, Islam will not force you to become a believer—at least not officially. It has no compunction, however, about imposing what Talmon would call “the proper conditions”—the sharia system, which, in fact, assumes the presence in the caliphate of non-believers, whose subjugation has a sobering in terrorem effect (and whose obligatory poll tax promotes the sharia state’s fiscal health). The concept is that with enough coercion, there will eventually be no need for coercion: everyone, of his own accord, will come to the good sense of becoming a Muslim—all other alternatives having been dhimmified into desuetude.
That is also the way of Islam.

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

President Obama needs to keep his harpie on a leash

Supreme Court: Hacks in Black Robes - Maureen Dowd, New York Times
With any luck, the justices will decide 9-0 against, is the proper response to contempt of court.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

The lawer can't be held responsible for a stupid client.

Nothing About Health Law Is Unprecedented - Jeffrey Toobin, New Yorker
Maybe it is not about precedent.  Maybe it will be about contempt of the Supreme Court.  What lawyer can prevail if his client defames the judge before sentencing? President Obama has shown contempt of the Supreme Court in front of a joint session of congress.  The constitution clearly describes the separation of powers which President Obama resents.  What action can they take to preserve their honor, other than giving him a defeat.  If anything, it is the liberal justices who will be acting politically when they kowtow to the president.

Monday, April 02, 2012

These are the folks who disgraced themselves

“The Second Militia Act of 1792, signed by George Washington, required every able-bodied (white) male between the ages of 18 and 45 to purchase a musket and ammunition. It’s clear the people who wrote the Constitution thought Congress had the power to compel citizens to purchase certain goods to advance an important national interest.”
Could it be that the constitution actually enumerates the national defense as a federal power so the forcing of citizens to buy a gun or die for their country is constitutional, but doing the bidding of the nanny state is not both a “necessary and a proper” extension via the commerce clause and the general instruction to implement the enumerated powers. Perhaps, the country should suspend the commerce clause as counter to the balance of the constitution’s insistence on limited government.
“What is 50,000 lawyers at the bottom of the sea”?, “a good start”

President Obama attacts the Supreme Court.

Don’t get mad, Honorable Supreme court Justices, get even.

"That’s what FDR got wrong. Obama may well have a chance to get it right.'

It would be a novelty if President Obama got something right.