Codger on Politics

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

To the 99%

To the 99%

Do you realize that the US 99% are the world's 1%. You need to pay more! Turn back you government benefits, insist your taxes raise (and if you now pay zero- pay something). When you realize you are the 1%, the attitude change might make it happen, that you become one of the US 1%.

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

How about a coalition?

How about a coalition?

This year is different in that the also ran candidates can achieve significant voting power in the republican convention. We have seen that raw money is no longer the only path to the presidency. Ideas matter and if the candidates would form coalitions based on the ideas expressed, we can defeat the "last man standing" strategy.

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Friday, November 11, 2011

Let’s Get Real

Let's Get Real

"In a way, Perry's flub, and subsequent smirk, was the most honest moment yet in the long march of Republican debates. Perry couldn't remember the agencies he would eliminate because he wouldn't actually eliminate any. And neither would President Newt Gingrich or President Mitt Romney. (Ron Paul probably would.) Promising to eliminate cabinet departments is simply a pro forma requirement of Republican rhetoric. It has been for decades. Perry's indifference to the substance of the promise seemed to admit, "We all know this is just something I'm supposed to say."" This is the democrat transferring how they would work to the republican candidates.

This is a new war. the Democrats are fighting the last war. Truth is more important in this election. Those who lie to you are your enemy. Also, the republicans can now make major cuts because the belief that the world would end if the federal government shut down is declining and the disgust with federal government waist and corruption is on the rise.

Eliminating cabinet departments is very doable, and should be done. In most cases the effective government functions and people would be reorganized into a new reporting structure. those left over would not. Business does this all the time.

Organizational capital punishment would eliminate those organizations which conduct criminal and corrupt activities. It would save a bunch of money which could then reward the dedicated government worker, and the elimination of the governmental drones, would improve moral of the productive.

Mark Schitt may be correct that the the three departments eliminated was not a deeply held conviction of Perry, and the changes may go well beyond the three mentioned, but by announcing the elimination of departments, Perry is seeking a mandate to do just that.

By the way, debating skills is not what is needed, kicking butt, is.

Maybe the federal government should declare itself bankrupt, and get on with the reorganization.

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Mitt Romney is the only adult in the room??

Mitt Romney is the only adult in the room??

This must make Romney uneasy. You know the liberal media doesn't want republicans to win. Does this mean MItt is the biggest loser in the liberals eyes?

"Romney looks like a president. He more than anyone else commands the stage; in this field, he looks like the one who could go up against Obama." Notice, go up against, not win.

"with a few exceptions, used to be metronomically balanced; the voters made a judgment, but the press was reluctant to rush to judgment, preferring to wait for the next set of polls, or hedging any verdict with ritualistic qualifiers. " This is unbelievable, literally. This is Strum fantasizing about what never was. The main stream media, newspapers and broadcast TV, used to define what reality was to a docile public.

"Ever since, debates have turned tides — in general elections and primaries alike. Thus in 1976, Gerald Ford rhetorically freed Poland from Communist domination — and lost the White House. Four years later, after strategically using his debate with Jimmy Carter to reassure Americans of his commitment to nuclear arms control, Ronald Reagan closed the deal as he rebuked Carter: "There you go again."". Strum is implying here he approved of what Reagan said and did. He didn't, Reagan started the decline if the mainstream media til today they are maybe a voice of the past and too hard over liberal to be believed.

The debates are a main stream, yesterday concept. They are scripted to manipulate the republicans to put forward an easy to beat candidate. They are useful in keeping the field open to have a through debate of the issues (except the format prevents this). no one should be judged by debate performance alone.

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Monday, November 07, 2011

Do we really want the mainstream media picking the republican candidte#2?

Do we really want the mainstream media picking the republican candidte#2?

"So why don't blacks vote Republican? The answer is simple. Black people are not crazy. Being not crazy, they understand a simple truth about conservatives: They have never stood with, or up for, black people. Never.
Forget modern controversies like mass incarceration. Social conservatives, then based largely in the Democratic Party of the early to mid 20th century, opposed the Voting Rights Act. They opposed the Civil Rights Act. They opposed school integration. They opposed the Montgomery Bus Boycott. They opposed a law to crack down on lynching.
These are the people for whom African Americans are now supposed to vote? To make the argument is to betray a stunning contempt for the intelligence — and memory — of black voters.
In talking about race, conservatives have all the moral authority of a pimp talking about women's rights. Granted, "their" blacks might disagree.

Read more:"

This left winger is projecting. The democrats continuously disply contempt for all but themselves( the white liberal elete. ) Racial pimps? Democrat. KKK ? democrate.

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Saturday, November 05, 2011

Concerning the Cain controversy

Concerning the Cain controversy

'70 percent of Republicans polled say the issue won't influence their voting. That's a huge majority, and it is reflected in other polls in which the percentage of those supporting Cain's candidacy has held relatively steady"

" While many Republicans may not like being told by aggressive media that one of their heroes has feet of clay, the idea that there will be no long term slippage as a result of both the story and Cain's cranky reaction to it requires a leap of faith that is not justified under the circumstances. "

Could it not be that the mainstream media has so lost its credibility, that it's influence has a negative weight. As the voice of the progressives in both parties, we realize that the motivation of the mainstream press makes the "information" reported, suspect.

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