“That's what happens when Washington's default setting is always along party lines.”
The fact that the parties align with deep held beliefs, and beliefs in conflict, is incidental. It is two world views so different that compromise is not an option. I believe the progressive view is to “double down on stupid”. I am sure the progressive view is similar with roles reversed.
The voters will need to decide the winners, and if the wrong choice is made, we will all be losers.
The Rodney King solution, “Why can’t we all get along”, isn’t going to work.
The Liberal Ideal:
Enter Totalitarian Democracy - Andrew McCarthy, The New Criterion
"This difficulty could only be resolved by thinking not in terms of men as they are, but as they were meant to be, and would be, given the proper conditions. In so far as they are at variance with the absolute ideal they can be ignored, coerced or intimidated into conforming without any real violation of the democratic principle being involved. In the proper conditions, it is held, the conflict between spontaneity and duty would disappear, and with it the need for coercion. The practical question is, of course, whether constraint will disappear because all have learned to act in harmony, or because all opponents have been eliminated.
Islam, we are tirelessly reminded by its apologists citing Sura 2:256, prohibits compulsion in matters of religion. We need, however, to read the sharia fine-print. True, Islam will not force you to become a believer—at least not officially. It has no compunction, however, about imposing what Talmon would call “the proper conditions”—the sharia system, which, in fact, assumes the presence in the caliphate of non-believers, whose subjugation has a sobering in terrorem effect (and whose obligatory poll tax promotes the sharia state’s fiscal health). The concept is that with enough coercion, there will eventually be no need for coercion: everyone, of his own accord, will come to the good sense of becoming a Muslim—all other alternatives having been dhimmified into desuetude.
That is also the way of Islam.