Codger on Politics

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

An unapologetic racist

An unapologetic racist

The Puzzle of Black Republicans - Adolph Reed, New York Times

"But this "first black" rhetoric tends to interpret African-American political successes — including that of President Obama — as part of a morality play that dramatizes "how far we have come." It obscures the fact that modern black Republicans have been more tokens than signs of progress.
So, if you black, you vote democrat and are progressive, otherwise you are a token. When race is not a consideration, then we will have a sign of progress. Obama is the pretend black. His progressivism is a return to the 1920's

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Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Evil is as evil does

Evil is as evil does

"For many (though certainly not all) Republicans, the root of knowledge is a bedrock certainty about the inerrancy of a literal reading of the Bible. This provides them with clear, absolute answers – that gay marriage is wrong, that modern science is suspect, and that much of what we see on earth is a struggle between good and evil."
I don't believe the belief in Good and Evil requires the view that the bible is absolute and literal.

For example, Obama is evil and his journalistic supporters are evil. They are attempting to enslave all of us in a dictatorship of the philosopher king of progressivism.

The bible provides the backdrop but the echo of the Hunger Games, reminds us that men can be evil, and politicians are most prone to grasping undeserved power

Obama is the prince of lies and is an image of the anti-christ rather than the Christ.

"Many Democrats have taken this broad lesson of concern for the poor to heart, as we all do with core messages of faith. That quiet wind is always there.

This gets us to gridlock because it puts Democrats in the position of class warriors – they favor the poor and disfavor the rich.

This is most clear in framing tax policy, which is at the heart of the gridlock we have seen around how to avoid the fiscal cliff. At times, the Democrats' certainty on these issues is the equal of what we see in Republicans.

So we end up in a deadlock. Now, we hear, that gridlock may be breaking up a bit.

On one side, the certainty is less certain as the "no increase in taxes" pledge is abandoned by some. On the other, there is an openness to cutting government spending."

My main concern with democrats is the view that if they try to do the good thing they should get the credit regardless of outcome. This writer is obviously in that camp. The core message of my faith is helping others. You need to be careful you are helping. Too many do gooders are undiscerning, and hurt rather than help. And you need to focus on the individual. Government can't do that. And they are impoverishing the individual so he can't.

A further problem is the individual that desires to do good is duped by those who are truly evil. Attempting to tell truth is often more complicated than a artful lie. It is up to the do gooder to be alert to prevent this.

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Evil is as evil does

Evil is as evil does

"For many (though certainly not all) Republicans, the root of knowledge is a bedrock certainty about the inerrancy of a literal reading of the Bible. This provides them with clear, absolute answers – that gay marriage is wrong, that modern science is suspect, and that much of what we see on earth is a struggle between good and evil."
I don't believe the belief in Good and Evil requires the view that the bible is absolute and literal.

For example, Obama is evil and his journalistic supporters are evil. They are attempting to enslave all of us in a dictatorship of the philosopher king of progressivism.

The bible provides the backdrop but the echo of the Hunger Games, reminds us that men can be evil, and politicians are most prone to grasping undeserved power

Obama is the prince of lies and is an image of the anti-christ rather than the Christ.

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defying obmamacare

defying obmamacare

"But as long as Obamacare remains on the books, these officials also have to implement it—just as surely as they implement the minimum wage, environmental regulations, and any other liberal measures they similarly detest. Their first obligation isn't to their ideology, philosophy, or party. It's to the country and that means to enforce its duly passed laws. "
Their duty is to the greater good. Obomacare does not meet that test. Federalism means the states are a check on a overreaching federal government, which is the case now. As Nancy Palosi said, we won't know what Obamacare is until it is passed, so how valid is it as the law of the land. The states have an obligation to resist this overreach for the good of all. If individuals lose federal goodies they are free to move to blue states where they are more welcome.

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Tuesday, December 04, 2012

A solution to the Fiscal Cliff

A solution to the Fiscal Cliff

Fiscal Cliff Debate Is About Size of Government, Not Taxing "the Rich"

"All the pretty talk about how tax rates will be raised only on "the rich" hides the ugly fact that the poorest people in the country will see the value of their money decline, just like everybody else, and at the same rate as everybody else, when the government creates more money and spends it. "

How about a new federalism where we eliminate the inefficiencies of the federal government by eliminating the physical part of the federal government. The function to be replaced by a distributed organization collocated with the various states. Washington DC would become a national park. The modern communication tools would allow conferencing of whom ever is necessary for a particular action in either the executive or congress. All processes would be critiqued by whoever is interested and the results stored for later examination.

With this done, the government would be in control of the interested. The current mix of lobbyists and special interest would of course be interested, but others also would have access on an equal footing.

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