Codger on Politics

Friday, March 30, 2012

Progressives condemn the court

“An over-reaching court could shatter the vestigial credibility of an institution defaced by Bush v. Gore and by Citizens United — which incredibly held that there is insufficient evidence that money corrupts politics and thereby loosed a tide of special interest cash that is engulfing the politics of 2012.”   ??? credibility with whom?
I believe Strum is confusing the constitution with the accumulated liberal precedents which have advanced the “progressive” cause. Sturm may find the “progressives” have “shattered the vestigial credibility” of progressives with their overreach.
BTW, is Strum saying Obama has not earned a 2nd term?

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Activist Judges at the Court - E.J. Dionne, Washington Post
“Justice Antonin Scalia seemed to reject the sense of solidarity that Butler embraced. When Solicitor General Donald Verrilli explained that "we've obligated ourselves so that people get health care," Scalia replied cooly: "Well, don't obligate yourself to that." Does this mean letting Butler's uninsured guy die?”
The federal government is not responsible to be everything to everyone, and it is unconstitutional for it to try.

Liberals have a humor deficit

Liberals have a humor deficit.  That is why Jay Leno needs to study the conservative ideas.   He could be funny again.  I think he will.  The liberal train has left the tracks.

The liberals as carthage

The liberals as carthage

ObamaCare's Inescapable Death March - Milton Wolf, Washington Times

" was forced upon America by 219 congressmen, 60 senators and one president. For America to be safe from future would-be authoritarians, their political careers must end. Politically speaking, we should level their cities and salt their fields so that when future generations look upon the barren wastelands that once were promising political careers, it will be a timeless reminder that Americans simply will not tolerate the betrayal of their will."

Right on! Wolf for President. We can't handle these traders to the constitutional ideas get handled with Mitt gloves.

Sent from my iPad

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Freedom Fetish? Life Fetish? breathing Fetish?

Would you give up one of your rights to be fed? What like the “Hunger Games”? Our freedoms stand between us and the natural state of man which is slavery. Our freedoms, while god given, are unusual in the broad stretch of history.
Let’s hope Michael Tomasky travels to one of the Arab states to find out firsthand the way freedoms can be curtained rather than drag the US down to this level.  With Liberal causes, the problem is too big to risk waiting for proof.  For conservatives ideas, no proof is sufficient.
But I will compromise.  I will allow government to have dictatorial powers if I am allowed to rule. (What proof is there that dictatorial powers will curtail freedom? Duh.)

Friday, March 23, 2012

The advantage of electing an unlikable President

If we elect as president an unlikable person (Romney) the party (Republican) will be motivated to neuter him (and by extension the Federal government). The Dems couldn’t help themselves, they would be for it.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Reducing Inequity

The Glaring Inequality of Obamaville - Pat Buchanan, Pitt Tribune-Review
“Republicans will argue that raising the district tax rate to 15 percent on incomes above $250,000 will precipitate an exodus into Maryland and Virginia, where the top tax rates are not half of that. Conservatives believe as an article of faith that tax rates heavily influence economic behavior.”
This would lower the average income of the high earners and thereby reduce inequity (locally at least). A true progressive solution.  Better yet, we could force the high earners to leave the country (and telecommute?). A final solution, cut government salaries across the board to match average wages in DC. The ultimate progressive solution.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The BS of David Brock

Ad Exodus Dooms Limbaugh's Model - David Brock, Politico
If Rush’s ad income falls 50%, his will beat the best liberal commentator. Also, when the advertisers incomes fall an equal amount, they may reconsider. No matter, Rush could coast for years, still having more influence than David Brock.  Liberals lie.  It is part of their brand. (other liberals repeat the lies).
That is why there is a need for Rush.

The Hunger Games seems to channel this natural, and very American, urge to be free.

Well written, Ditto.

A great Right Left Compromise, a win-win

The Federalist Solution - Jonah Goldberg, National Review
If we have to make the same decisions 50 times (or 50 time the number of counties) someone is bound to get it right (or left as the case may be). The right solution will work better and the smart states/counties will copy it.  The others will suffer (unless the right decision is not right for all states/counties), which is ok.  Also, millions can decide for themselves, if the decision is important enough, by moving.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

In a word "Yes"

Should the Poor Pay for Deficit Reduction? - Ezra Klein, Washington Post
You aren’t doing the poor any favors by keeping them dependent, and an unjust shift of wealth from the earners to the “undeserving poor” in the words of dolittle in “My Fair Lady”. It is more important to keep the earners motivated than to keep the takers fat and happy.
“On a first pass, then, it appears that Ryan is offering a large tax cut, leaving seniors mostly alone for the next 10 years, increasing defense spending and cutting spending on programs for the poor.” The support of the poor is not on the plate of the Federal government.  Defense is. The poor have a stake in good government, because the lawless victimize the poor.
“So Ryan’s budget ultimately poses two questions: First, whether this amount of deficit reduction is actually necessary. It’s more substantial, I believe, than what’s called for in Simpson-Bowles. And second, if you do consider this amount of deficit reduction necessary, whether the right way to achieve it is almost solely by cutting program for the poor“ Evidently spending the country into bankruptcy  is not a problem.  The poor have a stake in solvency also. If tightening the belt now prevents starvation in the future, it is a good deal.
There are poor who would work and enjoy it if it wasn’t such a barrier to work, in the form of a corrupt tax code. Give the poor a hand up, not a hand out.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Obama is hostile to Christians and Jews

Obama is hostile to Christians and Jews

"It's Still Barack vs. the Bible, Stupid! - Paul Harvey, Rel. Dispatches" was the item onm real clear politics which was up Tuesday morning, then was gone. It had a realy bad defense of Obama's opposition to religious organizations, then he referenceed to the argument against Obama which was pretty complete.'s_barack_v._the_bible%2C_says_barton/
the case against oboma

Was the weak argument taken down because it was weak?

Sent from my iPad

Friday, March 09, 2012

Krugman distortions

Republicans Against Education - Paul Krugman, New York Times
Mr. Krugman,
Your saying it doesn’t make it so.  Socialist theory is opposed to religious doctrine.  Socialist in chief Obama distains  those that cling to their religion. The university is hostile to religion even in religious courses. Encouraging students to seek the best educational value is not anti education, supporting subpar instructors is anti education.
Try the Junior college, they have not yet been subverted.

The Radical revealed

The Incomplete Greatness of Obama - Paul Glastris, Washington Monthly
President Obama’s’ greatest feat has been to unit his opposition by revealing just how willing he is to drive us off a cliff when required by his socialist addenda.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Keep thinking that

The Real Winner on Super Tuesday? Obama - Ruy Teixeira, Foreign Policy
“All this -- combined, of course, with the improving economy -- spells big trouble for the Republican nominee, no matter who he is.”
Thank you.  It is good to see the opposition (that is the democrats), are clueless. It would also be helpful to remove Mitt as the candidate. Keep talking up the economy.  It will be that much more of a wakeup call when the often promised recovery doesn’t appear. New taxes are coming on line, and is not only the 1% that are affected.

Friday, March 02, 2012

Knowing it all

“Those who think they know it all have no way of finding out they don’t.”
            -           Leo Buscaglia
This is  talking about those other guys, right?

Thursday, March 01, 2012

How about raising fuel prices only for liberals

Fuel prices are rising because the power that be are distorting a free economy.  This is the kind of thinking that caused Mao Zedong to cause millions of deaths in China (I don’t think they even were complaining). “At first I felt deep resentment at being forced into a small car. But you know what? Today's . . .”.  Just drink the cool-aid, james.
  1. Great Chinese Famine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
“Researchers outside China, however, generally agree that massive institutional and policy changes which accompanied the Great Leap Forward were the key factors in the famine.[6]