The problem is the mind set
The problem is the mind set
He accused me and other journalists of adhering to the "Green Lantern Theory"—a belief that U.S. presidents are endowed with superhero powers.
"But since the problem in American politics is not presidential leadership, telling them that the president—whether this one or a new one—can fix it traps voters in an endless cycle of inspiration and disillusionment. They vote for presidents expecting them to be 'uniters,' expecting them to 'change Washington,' and then they're bitterly disappointed when their heroes fail. But on this score, presidents are going to continue to fail because they can't possibly succeed."
The problem is the assumption that continued agreement to spend money is desirable. The system is deliberately biased against spending. The danger with tweaking the system to remove power from the people's representatives is to invite more drastic action by the people of the United States. Crippling the checks on spending could result in a shutdown of the federal government in the manner of a bankruptcy.
All assets for sale, all existing contracts in negotiation, and the best part, the existing management replaced. The super "primaring" of all government officials through all government clerks. All parasites purged.
I would suggest all federal government via Internet with Washington DC abandoned. Where possible, automated systems and automated checks and balances, with over site by the elected representatives, used.
This would take time and the current government is too vested in the existing system to oversee the transition. I would suggest a national referendum to choose the several most successful states to expand the existing state systems to oversee the federal government transition.
Several states currently or soon to be bankrupt would be allowed to test the federal system under development. The more corrupt the better. The goal would be the anticipate and correct for the sabotage of the current office holders. A system to devolve the existing compacts to attain the numerous conflicting factions envisioned by the founders.
The further goal would be to produce a prototype federal government segment within the new state government which would be and could function as a component of the eventual new federal government. It would operate in parallel with the temporary version the experiment with true transparency for the former federal government, the state run temporary replacement, and the prototype federal replacement. A creative conflict between the three factions will expose problems which can be corrected in the prototype versions.
The path to this version starts with defunding the federal government and negating the creation of the caretaker replacement to prevent the pain an intrenched current government can be expected to inflict.