Codger on Politics

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Michael Scherer, Incompetent Journalist

"Long before he admitted on Monday to accidentally speaking before a 2002 conference organized by white supremacists, the Louisiana Congressman was playing offense and winning. His target was Van Jones, a former Obama Administration official who had worked on clean energy initiatives. "The last green jobs czar we had left in disgrace because he expressed comments embracing communism and actually tried to blame the government, the American government, for September 11th attacks," Scalise said in 2011."

One difference, target 1, the liberal, had his name on a petition stating a position. Target 2, a conservative, spoke just prior to a meeting of objectional people. Who but a liberal bigot, would claim equality here.

"But as with Jones, the case of Scalise is quickly moving beyond the evidence-gathering phase. The details often don't matter if the soundbite stings. The game is not played for justice, but to win.". In Michael Scherer case there never was a "evidence-gathering phase".

See refuting argument:

Friday, December 12, 2014

Maybe we can now find all those illegal alians

Maybe we can now find all those illegal alians

""Obama did not take time to explain when he made the announcement.

In fact, the president obscured what is happening by telling the covered illegal immigrants that if "you're willing to pay your fair share of taxes, you'll be able to stay. …" In fact, for many of those affected, "willing to pay your fair share of taxes" actually means "willing to accept an assistance check from the government."

If past practice is any guide, the Obama administration will likely start an aggressive, multilingual campaign to encourage illegal immigrants affected by the president's action to apply for as many benefits as possible. And if not all of them are actually eligible to receive the taxpayers' money? Well, no one will be checking that too closely.""

suckers! Obama has flushed you out, and it is in the republican interest to take you out.

Maybe you can all "self deport" using a new program to invade and improve the America's source contrives.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Doubling down To Stupid (that's you)

Doubling down To Stupid(that's you)
""Of course, the release of this report just now—which may lead to the deaths of more Americans, as the senator has been warned—is another sign of the Obama administration's desperation. Team Obama's genius for failure in every policy field, foreign or domestic, has left the administration's inner circle frantic to deflect attention from its parade of deceptions, derelictions and disasters. About the only thing left to them is to exhume, yet again, the mutilated-by-the-left corpse of the George W. Bush administration.""

This is not the way it is supposed to be, the Dems are supposed to be in charge, the public is supposed to believe what they are told, and the republicans are supposed to roll over.

Except for the last part, it isn't happening. But never mind, the Dems are not going quietly.

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Lawless throws the weak and poor under the bus

Lawless throws the weak and poor under the bus
society has orders and rules, but not every society has the rule of law -- "a government of laws and not of men." Nor was it easy to achieve even an approximation of the rule of law. It took centuries of struggle -- and lives risked and sacrificed -- to achieve it in those countries which have some approximation of it today.

To just throw all of that overboard because of mobs, the media or racial demagoguery is staggering.

A generation that jumps to conclusions on the basis of its own emotions, or succumbs to the passions or rhetoric of others, deserves to lose the freedom that depends on the rule of law. Unfortunately, what they say and what they do can lose everyone's freedom, including the freedom of generations yet unborn.

If grand juries are supposed to vote on the basis of what mobs want, instead of on the basis of the evidence that they see -- and which the mob doesn't even want to see -- then we forfeit the rule of law and our freedom that depends on it.

If people who are told that they are under arrest, and who refuse to come with the police, cannot be forcibly taken into custody, then we do not have the rule of law, when the law itself is downgraded to suggestions that no one has the power to enforce.

For people who have never tried to take into custody someone resisting arrest, to sit back in the safety and comfort of their homes or offices and second-guess people who face the dangers inherent in that process -- dangers for both the police and the person under arrest -- is yet another example of the irresponsible self-indulgences of our time.

To say firm treatment of criminals is an affront to the black, Hispanic, or poor, is slandering the black, Hispanic, and poor. They should not be presumed to be criminal, nor should the criminals preying on them get a break.