Martin Sheen: was eaten by cannibals in Michael Crichton book State of Fear. It is fustrating dealing with liberals, and I find this approach refreshing. For a novel, the book has a large number of references supporting the arguments expressed, questioning the presumption of global warming.
The identity of the character Ted Bradley as the Martine Scheen character is introduced on page 408: ""And I'm Ted Bradley," Ted said. He started to extend his hand, the-thought better of it, pulled it back.
"Oh. Hey," the technician said. "I thought you looked familiar. You're
the secretary of state."
"Actually, I'm the president."
"Right, right, the president. I knew I'd seen you before. Your wife :*
a drunk."
"No, actually, the secretary of state's wife is a drunk."
"Oh. I don't get to see the show that often."
"It's off the air now."
On page 478 Ted/Martin are discussing Global Warming: ""The whole world knows that. It would reduce global temperatures in the year 2100."
"By how much?"
"I don't know what you're driving at."
"Don't you? The answer is well known. The effect of Kyoto would be to reduce warming by .04 degrees Celsius in the year 2100. Four hundredths of a degree. Do you dispute that outcome?"
"I certainly do. Four what? Hundredths of a degree? That's ridiculous."
"So you don't believe diat would be the effect of the Kyoto Protocol"-*
"Well, maybe because the United States didn't sign it—"
"No, that would be the effect if we did sign it. Four hundredths of a degree."
"No," she said, shaking her head. "I don't believe that's true."
"The figure has been published a number of times in scientific JOUITILS. I can give you the references."*
Raising his glass, Bradley said to Ann, "This guy is real big on references."
On page 533, Martin Sheen is eated: "It was Sambuca, though Bradley could barely focus on his face. The world was gray and faint. But he saw that Sambuca was grinning at him, revealing a row of yellow pointed teeth. And then Sambuca held up a knife so Ted could see it, and smiled again, and with two fingers grabbed the flesh of Ted's cheek and sliced it off with the knife."
"And then the whole crowd was upon him, and the knives were everywhere, and they were cutting and yelling and cutting and yelling and he saw one knife move toward his eyes, and felt his trousers tugged down, and he knew nothing more."