Let's Get Real
"In a way, Perry's flub, and subsequent smirk, was the most honest moment yet in the long march of Republican debates. Perry couldn't remember the agencies he would eliminate because he wouldn't actually eliminate any. And neither would President Newt Gingrich or President Mitt Romney. (Ron Paul probably would.) Promising to eliminate cabinet departments is simply a pro forma requirement of Republican rhetoric. It has been for decades. Perry's indifference to the substance of the promise seemed to admit, "We all know this is just something I'm supposed to say."" This is the democrat transferring how they would work to the republican candidates.
This is a new war. the Democrats are fighting the last war. Truth is more important in this election. Those who lie to you are your enemy. Also, the republicans can now make major cuts because the belief that the world would end if the federal government shut down is declining and the disgust with federal government waist and corruption is on the rise.
Eliminating cabinet departments is very doable, and should be done. In most cases the effective government functions and people would be reorganized into a new reporting structure. those left over would not. Business does this all the time.
Organizational capital punishment would eliminate those organizations which conduct criminal and corrupt activities. It would save a bunch of money which could then reward the dedicated government worker, and the elimination of the governmental drones, would improve moral of the productive.
Mark Schitt may be correct that the the three departments eliminated was not a deeply held conviction of Perry, and the changes may go well beyond the three mentioned, but by announcing the elimination of departments, Perry is seeking a mandate to do just that.
By the way, debating skills is not what is needed, kicking butt, is.
Maybe the federal government should declare itself bankrupt, and get on with the reorganization.
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