Codger on Politics

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Liberal cluelessness

That's Mitticulous! - Matt Miller, Washington Post
“Mitt Romney goes next to the Middle East. Insults Palestinian “culture.Palestinians call him “racist.” Says one: Even our worst enemies (i.e., the Israelis) never say such things! ”
Mitt is speaking truth, liberals can’t take the truth. To say the Palestinians  culture is impoverishing them is both true and kinder than the liberal pandering.  These people are the enemy of the western culture. We don’t owe them consideration.  If Mitt did insult them, we can hope they will get mad and go home, taking their liberal apologists with them.
“Romney’s penchant for remarks and behaviors that are false, dumb, tone-deaf, ill-advised, pandering, implausible, awkward, regressive, out of touch or some blend of the above — and which unfold with no apparent awareness of their having the aforementioned qualities but instead are swiftly defended or sidestepped with an arrogance or haughtiness that compounds the offense — has brought us to the cusp of a linguistic breakthrough. ”
Liberals need to extend their vocabulary.  They also need to learn how to develop a story with some evidence.  When I used to deliver the Denver Post, we used to say it was written at the sixth grade level.  This is like a second grade missive in crayon. The Palestinians said similar things but they need to be excused, since they are still living in the 14th century.

Are the Russians smarter than most in the US?

“He gained prominence by fighting corruption at state-controlled companies and used the Internet to do so, appealing to a tech-savvy generation of urban Russians who have turned away from the mainstream media.
Before parliamentary elections last December he helped to energize a struggling opposition, popularizing a phrase referring to the ruling United Russia party, then headed by Putin, as the "party of swindlers and thieves".”
This could be talking about Obama. Is the Chicago way the Putin way?
“Lawyers for Navalny had said on Friday they expected he would be charged over the case in Kirov province. But they had expected him to face a different charge punishable by up to five years in jail, rather than 10.
The Investigative Committee said more than 10,000 cubic meters of timber were stolen as the result of a plot between Navalny and two company chiefs, causing the regional government to lose more than 16 million roubles ($497,000).”

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Blair: West Asleep About Islamist Extremism - Charles Moore, Telegraph

Blair: West Asleep About Islamist Extremism - Charles Moore, Telegraph

"But have you considered, I ask, that you might be wrong about Islam? What if it is not, at root, a religion of peace? " exactly.

Friday, July 20, 2012


What Obama Actually Said in Virginia - Paul Waldman, American Prospect
If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.Obama
“Romney campaign, they knew they had something. Sure, it's obvious that when Obama said "you didn't build that" he was talking about roads and bridges.” Waldman
It is not obvious to me.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Letting the magic of the individual self interest fix the economy.

Republicans Have No Jobs Plan - Juan Williams, The Hill
Don’t need a plan, unless you mean quite doing harmful things.
Even blindly optimistic estimates for the Keystone project top out at 20,000 new jobs that last for only two years. ” This doesn’t include the effect of cheaper oil.  This also doesn’t include the positive signal that the government will quit putting unreasonable restrictions on job creation.
It is interesting to note only 49 percent of Republican voters in the same poll said Romney has a plan to improve the economy. By contrast, 72 percent of Democratic voters said Obama does.”  This is just saying the democratic voters are more simple minded than the republican votes. Opinion poles do not influence reality.
The House GOP Conference’s website highlights 27 “jobs” bills that have passed the Republican House and await action by the Democratic majority in the Senate. Most of the GOP bills aim to undo government regulations on big business. But it is not clear how removing consumer protections and Dodd-Frank policing of Wall Street will lead to more jobs. Yet it is taken as an article of faith among Republicans that rolling back regulations will always lead to job creation.” If this is not clear, look to your own perceptions.  Look also look to the republican governors who are using this formula and have shown it works.
What is clear, time after time, the projections of the effect of government interference are always way off the mark.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Obama and his cronies are the people of the lie

“After three days of Mitt Romney complaining about attacks on his record at Bain Capital, it’s clear that President Obama has nothing to apologize for. If Mr. Romney doesn’t want to provide real answers to the questions about his career, he had better develop a thicker skin. “
If the president of the United Stated deals in untruth, that is a problem.  And he does. He sullies the reputation of all of the official representatives of the US. His Attorney General is in contempt.  The AG has been caught in lies that are possibly covering up criminal activity be himself and President Obama.
He complains about possible misbehavior by Mitt Romney and wants to fish in Romney’s financial records, meanwhile he fails to provide documents the congress is entitled to. 
 "The right way to respond to Mr. Obama is to " point out he is habitual prevaricator  with criminal associates who is being protested by the main stream media (or have his campaign aides do it for him)  .

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Maybe too close to socialist

Obama the Socialist? Not Even Close - Milos Forman, New York Times
“They falsely equate Western European-style socialism, and its government provision of social insurance and health care, with Marxist-Leninist totalitarianism. It offends me, and cheapens the experience of millions who lived, and continue to live, under brutal forms of socialism.” 
Can we agree that Obama’s is not the “brutal form of socialism”?  Can we agree also that Obama is a socialist of the European variety? Could it be that suggesting that the Obama’s critics are “equating Western European-style socialism, and its government provision of social insurance and health care, with Marxist-Leninist totalitarianism.” Is a straw man to obscure the face that Obama’s form is a disaster for this country.
“Marx believed that we could wipe out social inequities and Lenin tested those ideas on the Soviet Union. It was his dream to create a classless society. But reality set in, as it always does. And the results were devastating. Blood flowed through Russia’s streets. The Soviet elite usurped all privileges; sycophants were allowed some and the plebes none. The entire Eastern bloc, including Czechoslovakia, followed miserably. ”
I believe Obama is on this same course, and for the same reasons. He, of course, doesn’t plan to fail but given the chance, he will take  the power so the U.S. can be forced to “improve” in the manner he imagines.
“Today, our democracy, a miraculous gathering of diverse players, desperately needs such unity. If all participants play fair and strive for the common good, we can achieve a harmony that eluded the doctrinaire socialist projects. But if just one section, or even one player, is out of tune, the music will disintegrate into cacophony. ”
This is just not true.  Our countries political is designed for bad actors.  Capitalism is the invisible hand that keeps things coordinated. It is the central planners who’s ideas “disintegrate into cacophony”.  And it is well they should.  All the central planners should follow the very rich, out of this country, so the rest of us can prosper on automatic pilot.