Codger on Politics

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A great set of reference from the other side

A great set of reference from the other side

The Great Conservative 'No!' - Tom Carson, American Prospect"no"

This references a whole lot of must read conservative pieces. The author thinks we will agree with himself, that they show conservative ineptness, but he is wrong.

"In a bubbly mood, George F. Will—who contributes The New Leviathan's foreword—suggests we're in for a rare treat. The table of contents is a better guide to the trudge readers are in for. Try this for a version of The Avengers where everybody just takes turns punching Loki in the face: "How Barack Obama Is Endangering Our National Sovereignty" (John R. Bolton), "How the Obama Administration Threatens to Undermine Our Elections" (John Fund), "How the Obama Administration Threatens Our National Security" (Victor Davis Hanson), "How the Obama Administration Has Politicized Justice" (Andrew C. McCarthy), "How Barack Obama Is Bankrupting the U.S. Economy" (Stephen Moore), "How Obama Has Mishandled the War on Terror" (Michael B. Mukasey). Out of 13 essays, only 5 don't indict the Other by name in their title. "

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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Excuse Number one

If only everyone would cooperate, Obama could do fine. But they won’t and it is unreasonable to expect that they would.  The implication is that if Obama can’t govern, than no one can.
Obama’s task is harder because he is attempting to control everything top down.  That is not necessary. The free market is a mechanism which allows the country to run on autopilot.
The market might not always give you what you want but the alternative is always not what you want. And with the market, every individual has a say in “what we want”.
That frees up the government to cleanup the edges where the problems are too great.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

not thinking the unthinkable

“””WASHINGTON -- House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) doesn't have a doubt in her mind that President Barack Obama will be reelected in November. And she claims she's not alone.
"Oh, Mitt Romney's not going to be president of the United States," Pelosi said with a laugh, during an appearance on CNN's "State of the Union." "I think everybody knows that."”””
She and her party cannot conceive of a republican victory, because, should that happen the crimes they have committed could be prosecuted.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Democrat Delusion

Democrat Delusion

It's Hard to See Path to Victory for Romney - Charles Blow, New York Times

Reality is a slippery thing. When your world view conflicts with reality, you may get a nasty surprise.
Taking that into account, at this moment, President Obama's chances of being re-elected look stronger than they have in months. The Romney campaign seems to be coming off the tracks with no clear vision for how to get back on.

Romney's panicky, premature excoriation of the Obama administration over violence in the Middle East — a response that was factually flawed and widely panned — only served to shake the fragile faith of those who might be holding their noses to support him. "Anybody but Obama" used to be an effective rallying cry. Lately, it's been more like "anybody but Mitt."
Charles Blow

If Mitt is correct, if Obama is the new Carter, If analysis shows the result was predictable given the Obama apology tour, I believe the Democrats are the ones coming off the rails. For a Mainstream Media man, though, this is all he has. He can't go to being an objective reporter or commentator, he has no experience.

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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Excuse me, may we kill you?Attacks Pose Challenges for Obama Mideast Policy - DeYoung & Wilson

Excuse me, may we kill you?
Attacks Pose Challenges for Obama Mideast Policy - DeYoung & Wilson

"In remarks Wednesday, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton emphasized that only a "small, savage group" was responsible for the Benghazi attack, not the Libyan government or people. But as al-Qaeda and its allies have repeatedly shown, even small groups can wield major influence." Not true. Everyone who cheered the action is complicit.

Let's get this straight, we want to be sensitive to the Islamic culture, one in which an insult to a prophet of god, justifies physical violence of an enormous scale. We are capable of physical violence of that scale and we are ramped up to implement it.

Be careful how you answer, because a less squishy president may be in the wings. You might provide the great object lesson we need to show there is a new sheriff in town.

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Tuesday, September 04, 2012

The GOP's Rubio Paradox - Matt Miller, Washington Post

"Anyone listening to Rubio's moving talesurely thought, "Yes! This is exactly what America is about!" But the stories were all we got. No Republican speakers offered any policies to renew upward mobility in the United States. In fact, nowhere did the Republicans acknowledge that upward mobility is now greater in many other countries with feudal or aristocratic histories." 

Policies, we don't need no stinking policies!

Policies is spelled, ways to spend massive amounts of your money.  It means not ever knowing a spending program that should be eliminated.

The overall policy of the democrat party is to collect all of our money in a big pile which they can loot.