Codger on Politics

Friday, November 30, 2012

A self congratulating lie

A self congratulating lie

"Liberalism, in the broadest sense, is about expanding human rights and opportunity, while embracing science and reason. What do they call the secularists in Egypt today pushing for democracy over a theocracy? Liberals."

Might as well say anything good is liberal. The problem is in the definitions.

"Abraham Lincoln's push for the 13th Amendment, erasing the original sin of slavery from the land, was a liberal moment ". There are true liberals, and liberals, the brand.
Liberals, the brand, are illiberal. "Or was it the relentless campaign by the broadcasting and publishing empires of the far right, associating liberals with tyranny, spiritual vacuity and baby killing, that drove people from the label that could not speak its name? "

Freedom is a driving force for true liberals. Big government is anti freedom, thinking it can protect us from ourselves, with many lining thief own pockets in the process.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I have had this thought

I'm not the only one to notice this, or even to make the Hunger Games analogy. As Ross Douthat wrote, "There aren't tributes from Michigan and New Mexico fighting to the death in Dupont Circle just yet. But it doesn't seem like a sign of national health that America's political capital is suddenly richer than our capitals of manufacturing and technology and finance, or that our leaders are more insulated than ever from the trends buffeting the people they're supposed to serve."
Want to do something about it? Don't secede. Return to the Constitution.
But  how?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Fighting Obomacare

ObamaCare's Critics Refuse to Give Up - Jonathan Cohn, The New Republic
Of course, Obamacare critics believe that, by blocking the subsidies, they’ll undermine the law’s effectiveness and eventually erode support to the point that people clamor for a conservative alternative. It’s the same rationale they cite when they urge states to take advantage of the Supreme Court ruling and reject the expansion of Medicaid. The real world effect of both moves, if successful, would be to deprive residents of these states of financial assistance and access to affordable insurance. And most of these people desperately need the help. Whether poor or middle class, insurance is too expensive or simply unavailable to them, because of their age, work status, or medical condition. Keep in mind that, as the (heterodox) conservative economist Josh Barro wrote recently in his Bloomberg column, the “alternatives” that conservatives and libertarians propose inevitably do little for the uninsured.
Hum… I like it.  Takers moving to blue states, with those choosing to work for a living able to get a job.

Selling the Semi Literate

One commented floated recently, is that the Republican need to address the semiliterate.  This is of course an insult since Democrats are by definition the smartest people on the planet. Fine, we won’t try to reach them directly, but address all those who believe the mainstream media dialog, but haven’t drunk the cool aid.
Suppose we had a graphic novel.  The raw input would be all the folk tales explaining the foolishness of expecting something for nothing. The little red hen, the ants and the grasshopper, the goose who laid the golden eggs. Caricature current Democrat demigods as the foolish characters on our folk myths, and also current topics such as “Hunger Games”. Put enough plot and instruction so that even the skeptical will continue reading, and sell at a loss.
Close to free stuff to provide access to the population’s minds.
Don’t wait, plan a 4 year campaign, under the radar.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Out reach to the "Semi Literate"

The following is backup for a comment I heard recently saying the 47% are not just takers, but many are semi literate.  The point was that the republicans need to word appeals to get through to the semiliterate. Many in this class may be offended just as they were about the 47% takers comment itself, so we shouldn’t go there. We need to create a “Semi literate target.  How about the top 1% of the power holders.  This bring attention back to the federal government. Or more simply Washing DC equals the capital city in the “Hunger Games”.  Federal Government bad, local government less bad, Friends and neighbors good.
And many of the capital city residents are the reporters and editors hiding this truth from you.
Go get them.
Obama's Benghazi Story Not Adding Up - Ralph Peters, New York Post
Does the president really believe we’re all that stupid?
Yes. And he’s got his re-election to prove it, the establishment media to support it, and his White House goodfellas to enforce it. (National Security Adviser Tom Donilon and counterterrorism chief John Brennan make Nixon’s Haldeman and Ehrlichman seem like Fred and Ethel Mertz.)
In truth, the federal government is not bad by design, but through the years if “living constitution” distortions.

Friday, November 16, 2012

The takers gone wild

Tax Haters Figure Out They're Screwed - Jonathan Chait, NY Magazine
The Journal editorial page invented supply-side economics more than 30 years ago, and it remains the ideological headquarters of I’d-rather-cut-off-my-testicles-than-raise-taxes-on-the-rich conservatism. Today’s Journal editorial complains that Obama is demanding more revenue than he was asking from Boehner in last summer’s debt-ceiling hostage negotiation. Why is Obama taking such a tough line? The Journal speculates  He really doesn't care if there's a budget deal this year that avoids the tax cliff. By taking an absolutist line, he's basically gambling that Republicans will be more reasonable than he is and will blink. But if they don't blink and we go over the cliff, from his point of view so what? Mr. Obama then has an excuse to blame Republicans if there's another recession. Meanwhile, he pockets the higher tax rates that take effect on January 1 anyway, and he can then negotiate a budget deal next year without having to make any tax concessions
Well — pretty much, yeah.
So over the cliff we go.  Once people realize the impact, we will all be tax haters. But then it will be too late. Smile, billions know how to live in the third world, we can do it. Or maybe we can cut all federal funding and sit on it for two years, It can’t be any worse. That would be ironic if all the funds were flowing in and they weren’t able to spend any.
Speaking of “cut-off-my-testicles”, there may be some who will be after Jonathan to do just that when they realize how screwed they are. The media which has sold this will be reasonable targets.

Monday, November 12, 2012

pariahlike victory

We Just Had a Class War. Democrats Won - Jonathan Chait, NY Magazine
Of course, what the people want is all fairly beside the point now. What matters in Washington is power and leverage—two things that accrued dramatically in Obama’s favor last week. But it’s not irrelevant that American voters had a chance to lay down their marker on the major social divide of our time: whether government can mitigate the skyrocketing inequality generated by the marketplace. For so many years, conservatives have endeavored to fend off such a debate by screaming “class war” at the faintest wisp of populist rhetoric. Somehow the endless repetition of the scare line inured us to the real thing. Here it was, right before our eyes: a class war, or the closest thing one might find to one in modern American history, as a presidential election. The outcome was plain. The 47 percent turned out to be the 51 percent.
Do you suppose the majority wanting free stuff will realize nothing is free when they lose their jobs, and their welfare, and there are no doctors to keep them well?

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Conservatives I agree with; not suprising.

Why Obama Failed--and How to Fix It - John Taylor, Defining Ideas
A sample:
“The tax reform proposals to lower marginal tax rates by 20 percent and broaden the base will give small businesses the incentive to expand, hire workers and become large businesses. Cutting the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 25 percent and insisting on a cost-benefit approach to regulation—both part of the Romney plan—are designed to make American firms more competitive. We have not had a major tax reform since 1986 and the tax code has become notoriously cumbersome and a drag on growth.”
So much for not telling us what the plan is.

Agreeing with a progressive; scary

Mitt Romney, The Plutocrat - Ed Kilgore, Washington Monthly
The scary part is I agree with the analysis, just not the conclusions. Well said.
"there is one hard fact that American journalism has established since 2009, it is that many of America's rich have gone flat-out bonkers under President Obama. Gabriel Sherman first documented this phenomenon in his fantastic 2009 profile in this magazine, "The Wail of the 1%," which described how the financial elite had come to see themselves as persecuted, largely faultless targets of Obama and their greedy countrymen. Alec MacGillis and Chrystia Freeland have painted a similar picture."
The issue is "is this feeling justified and it is.  The "takers" are too greedy.
"Seen in this light, Romney's belief in himself as a just and deserving leader is not merely a form of personal ambition free of ideological content. His faith in himself blends seamlessly into a faith in his fellow Ãœbermenschen — the Job Creators who make our country go, who surround him and whose views shaped his program. To think of Romney as torn between two poles, then, is a mistake. Both his fealty to his party and his belief in his own abilities point in the same direction: the entitlement of the superrich to govern the country."
These words I don't agree with:" the entitlement of the superrich to govern the country" and the previous argument does not support it.
Republicans and Democrats agree that the proficient should govern.  As long as they are fair to all parties.  As long as he is fighting for the American goals.  A proficient looter of the treasury is in the Whitehouse, he needs to go.