Codger on Politics

Thursday, January 31, 2013

The new GOP role, dissent

The new GOP role, dissent
"Conventional wisdom holds that these unorthodox tactics are a mistake, that he's going to need GOP support on immigration and such. And by now it's conventional wisdom that when our smiling president transforms into Mr. Hyde he is merely channeling Saul Alinsky, deploying the tactics of community-organizing campaigns, the only operational world he knew before this.

The real pedigree, though, is a lot heavier than community organizing in Chicago.

Speaking last Saturday, Rep. Paul Ryan said that for Barack Obama to achieve his goals, "he needs to delegitimize the Republican Party." Annihilate, delegitimize—it's the same thing. The good news is that John Boehner and Paul Ryan recognize that their relationship with this White House is not as partners in anything. They are prey."

"The original argument for the Obama presidency was that this was a new, open-minded and liberal man intent on elevating the common good. No one believes that now. This will be a second term of imposition. As he said in the inaugural: "Preserving our individual freedoms ultimately requires collective action." That is Marcusian.

If the opposition is looking for one word to shape its role now, it would be this: Dissent."

It is time to play to win, and to reveal the Dems as on no one's side but their own!

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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Add 10 liberal points about conservatives and we can have a discussion

Add 10 liberal points about conservatives and we can have a discussion

Liberalism says that....

1)'s all about choice -- unless you want to choose which gun or lightbulb to use, which school your child will attend, or you'd prefer more freedom and smaller government.

2) cares about the environment, when in practice, not only do liberals like Al Gore live some of the most resource-wasting and ostentatious lifestyles on the planet, but they hurt the environment by blocking environmentally friendly energy production here in favor of energy sources from nations that care little about pollution.

3) can have lots of free government services and somebody else will pay for them. The trillion dollar deficit we're running every year that will have to be paid back says otherwise.

4) long as you use birth control that someone else is forced to pay for, there are no consequences whatsoever to having lots and lots of sex. Meanwhile, more than 50 million children have been killed by their own mothers via abortion and 1 out of every 4 adults in New York City has herpes.

5) .... "government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn." Do you know anyone with crabgrass on his lawn? DO YOU?

6)'s all about compassion and taking care of the less fortunate, unless liberals have their own money on the line, in which case they give less to charity than those stingy, greedy, heartless conservatives.

7) shouldn't take your Christian faith seriously, that political correctness matters more than the Bible, and that mocking God has no consequences. Ever heard someone say, "Don't pick fights with people who buy ink by the barrel?" Well, if liberals were smarter, they wouldn't be picking a fight with an omnipotent God who buys lightning bolts by the barrel and has a well earned reputation for getting fed up every once in awhile and dishing out "Old Testament style wrath" on His enemies.

8) much our country spends can be dictated by our wants, as opposed to what we can afford. Of course, if the world really works this way, Greece would be fine, nobody would have ever heard of the word "bankruptcy," and the banks wouldn't even bother to write down your name when you borrow money from them.

9) ...liberals want unity and bipartisanship, which they apparently believe they can accomplish by spewing pure hatred and smearing, demonizing, threatening, and lying about anyone who disagrees with them.

10)'s going to deliver equality of outcomes for everyone, which is true, if by "delivering equality of outcomes" you mean "make everyone poorer."

11) cares about women -- unless they're conservative women, in which case liberals will insult them in the vilest of terms, attack their children, call them whores and laugh and hoot at the most grotesque sexist attacks against them. Every last insult ever hurled at someone like Sandra Fluke probably wouldn't amount to what women like Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Michelle Malkin, and Ann Coulter put up with on any given week with the full support of the same liberals who run off at the mouth about a "war on women."

12)'ll help the poor -- and it does. Liberalism helps poor Americans live in ghettos with just enough food and money to survive so they can stay dependent on liberals. It's the same sort of help a farmer gives a chicken while he harvests its eggs and waits for the right time to wring its neck and toss it in the frying pan.

12)'ll help the poor -- and it does. Liberalism helps poor Americans live in ghettos with just enough food and money to survive so they can stay dependent on liberals. It's the same sort of help a farmer gives a chicken while he harvests its eggs and waits for the right time to wring its neck and toss it in the frying pan.

13) ...liberals are the only people who care about black Americans and want to help, which doesn't seem to square with the fact that just about anywhere and everywhere liberals have been in charge for decades, like Detroit or New Orleans, most black Americans are in dire straits.

14) ...small business owners were able to build their businesses because they were lucky. But of course, if that's true, why do we have such a high unemployment rate? Why doesn't everyone who loses his job just set up his business and grab that easy money? Since bankers don't deserve the big salaries they make, why doesn't the Occupy movement set up its own bank and show the "banksters" how it's done?

15) can fix crime by taking away guns, but by definition, the people who will voluntarily give up guns are law abiding citizens who have no intention of committing a crime in the first place. Besides, if that can work, why doesn't Barack Obama set the example by asking his Secret Service agents to disarm?


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Palin detractors as a litmus test

Palin detractors as a litmus test

"She became bigger than politics — in her own mind — and began to focus much more on the celebrity side of her persona (the various reality shows, her daughter, Bristol, on "Dancing with the Stars") than on the political end. Stories of her refusing to confirm or canceling her involvement in party events became legion. Eventually, GOP fundraisers stopped asking Palin to be involved because the bang they got from her name being on an invite didn't make up for the chaos she and her entourage guaranteed.
The net effect was that Palin's support got deeper — those people who loved Palin wound up loving her even more — but it also narrowed significantly. She became the nichest of niche politicians — someone whose support was a mile deep and an inch wide.

What Sarah Palin means is that an honest politician confronts a wall of hostility in the GOP. The author says she thought she was bigger than politics" which seems to be a low bar to achieve. However, the value in Sarah, is the reaction to her. The GOP should view Sarah's detractors in their ranks as an indication of RINO status. If the opposition is reflexive and without reasoned supporting comments, the detractor should be be removed from the 2014 and 2016 efforts. The Good old Boys aren't going to cut it in the future. New blood is needed.

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Sunday, January 27, 2013

wisdom for Obama, drunk with his own power

wisdom for Obama, drunk with his own power

Proverbs 31
"The words of King Lemuel. An oracle that his mother taught him:
No, my son! No, son of my womb!
No, son of my vows!
Do not give your strength to women,
your ways to those who destroy kings.
It is not for kings, O Lemuel,
it is not for kings to drink wine,
or for rulers to desire strong drink;
or else they will drink and forget what has been decreed,
and will pervert the rights of all the afflicted.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

""We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change we seek," candidate Barack Obama said in 2008. At the time, his comments came in for criticism: They were narcissistic; they were tautological; they didn't make a whole lot of sense.

But in the aftermath of Obama's 2012 reelection and his second inaugural address, his 2008 remarks seem less a statement of self-absorption than one of prophecy. There is an Obama majority in American politics, symbolized by Monday's throng on the Mall, whose existence is both the consequence of profound changes to our nation's composition and values and the cause of changes yet to come."

Obama's is the majority of the rabble which the constitution guards against. The temporary majority artificially created by the successful indoctrination of the "low information" average citizen. The loyal opposition is empowered to slow down the rate of change in order to avoid a fad to too quickly unsettle the established order.

Progressives chafe under the constraints of the constitution, but in violating it, they would violate their oath of office. They can't rely on others to violate theirs.

The rule of the majority is not a necessary state, and without the constitution, the current government is illegitimate.

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Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser

Barrack Obama. As the president of the famous 47% plus his collection of cronies, he is now approaching his popularity cliff. Democrat party members have traditionally produced programs based on the feel good moment depending on the republicans to make it work. Obomacare is beyond salvaging and is deteriorating rapidly.

By dismissing the power of the opposition the president has lost that leavening of his agenda.

When the failings of the current administration become obvious, he can no longer count on the help of the opposition. It appears the best course for the opposition and America is to let him fail in a spectacular fashion. As the president is attempting to put a stake in the heart of the opposition, doing nothing will allow the president to self destruct.

This will include an incredible pain, to rival the great depression, and thus it will be remembered for generations.

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Monday, January 14, 2013

Real America versus the Left Coasts

Real America versus the Left Coasts

The South's vices—"violence, intolerance, aversion and suspicion toward new ideas"—grow particularly acute during periods when it is marginalized and left behind.

The NewYorker explains how the views of the South have filtered into the rest of the country, but new ideas?, when has the Left coasts had a new idea. Progressivism date back to Teddy Roosevelt. We (real America) have yet to match the Left's intolerance. And Violence? the Left contracts out thier violence to professionals.

Maybe I am too harsh. The Liberal Fascism is a new extreme of the self appointed "Intellectual Leaders".

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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Defending against the possibility of federal tyrants

Defending against the possibility of federal tyrants
"The historical reality of the Second Amendment's protection of the right to keep and bear arms is not that it protects the right to shoot deer. It protects the right to shoot tyrants, and it protects the right to shoot at them effectively, thus, with the same instruments they would use upon us. If the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto had had the firepower and ammunition that the Nazis did, some of Poland might have stayed free and more persons would have survived the Holocaust.
Most people in government reject natural rights and personal sovereignty. Most people in government believe that the exercise of everyone's rights is subject to the will of those in the government. Most people in government believe that they can write any law and regulate any behavior, not subject to the natural law, not subject to the sovereignty of individuals, not cognizant of history's tyrants, but subject only to what they can get away with.
Did you empower the government to impair the freedom of us all because of the mania and terror of a few?"

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Friday, January 04, 2013

A way to neutralize Democratic hostage taking.

A way to neutralize Democratic hostage taking.

"Over the next couple months, members of Congress will have the responsibility of raising the debt ceiling, setting a budget for the coming year and deciding whether to allow $1.2 trillion in spending cuts to take effect."

"We raise the debt ceiling for a simple reason: to pay our bills. As President Obama said this week, Congress can't stop paying the tab for things that Congress has already approved. Not only would it be reckless and wrong, it would have devastating consequences for our economy and our people."

In order to pay our bills, the next negotiation should be to require a process be approved to shut down the government in a way to pay the bills, and cut expenses in the event that more credit is unavailable, or the continuing resolution is delayed. The argument would then be how to save wasteful spending, which is the correct argument.

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