Codger on Politics

Saturday, June 29, 2013

An expert on Derangement

An expert on Derangement

"Whatever your plans, they're likely to be way more fun than the way John Boehner and his fellow House majority leaders anticipate passing their day: namely, listening to their colleagues rant and rage about immigration at a specially organized conference gripe session on the topic.

The closed-door powwow promises to be an electrifying exercise in spleen venting, thrust upon them by their Senate brethren. At some point in the next day or two, the upper chamber is expected to pass its sprawling, blood-sweat-and-tears-drenched overhaul of our FUBAR immigration system. In the run-up to voting, Hill watchers have been aflutter over whether the bill can pull enough Republican support to hit 70 "yeas"—maybe even 71! A procedural test vote Monday topped out at a mildly disappointing 67 (including 15 R's). But the last-minute horse trading continues, and reform advocates remain optimistic that the final tally will be big and bipartisan enough to goose the House into passing something similarly sweeping."

Why it this crazy? What relevance is the voting in the Senate to the House. The fact that the senate thought there was relevance exposes the Senate disrespect of the House. The House is the representative of the people, and the Senate at one time was the representative of the states. No more. The senate is now the representative of the ruling elite.

Michelle Cottle, is a representative of the ruling elite, who takes umbrage at the House not kowtowing to the senate. But disrespecting the Senate is the correct course of action. Never before has the opinion of the people been lower concerning the ruling elite. Striking a blow for the people to the Senate, is a blow to the ruling elite. This will be popular.

And what can the Senate do about it? Can they refuse to take up bills past in the House? They have done that anyway. Can they refuse to appropriate monies the House want to appropriate? he Senate may fine the House will refuse to appropriate monies the Senate wants. In the view of the people supporting the House, there is way too much appropriating going on.

Special attention must be paid to the Senate GOP members who supported this monstrosity. Shunning might be appropriate. We may forgive them eventually, but not soon.

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Defining "Them" As in "They are out to get you"

Defining "Them" As in "They are out to get you"

"There is a disconnect. It is not everywhere nor with everyone in the NYC-DC corridor. There are people who and places that anchor themselves to the values outside what more and more people are calling the "ruling elite," but there is a disconnect that I think explains both Congress and the President's falling approval ratings (not that Congress can get much lower)."

Just because you are paranoid, doesn't mean "They" are not out to get you. Thankfully they are still a small minority. If we all work together, we can tame this beast. You just have to realize :"They" are in it for themselves, "They" have to go. "They" are not indispensable, chaos is preferable to "Them" controlling us. If the Federal government would cease to exist, we would get along fine. (Well maybe not fine, but well enough)

If, on the other hand, "They" remain in control, "They" will perpetuate "their" rule. America is declining and "They" are the cause. Democracy is not the natural condition of man, slavery is. "They" are working to enslave you. (for your own good of course.)

It is said the IRS should be shut down, but now is not the time for half measures. The Federal government needs to be shutdown and replaced. The state governments can combine to preform essential services. The Federal government cannot be allowed to do this since they will sabotage essential services, in order to regain control. All federal law needs to be sunset in short order, and the code replace with simple, readable laws that doesn't empower the existing federal employes. However we need to avoid a constitutional convention, where "They" would control.

All monies to the federal government must be cut. All the members of the "They", the ruling elite, need to be primaried at every election. The states need to reassert authority in the name of the people.

It is up to each individual to know and understand the constitution, and resist any effort to subvert it.

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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Sometimes the teacher is to blame

Sometimes the teacher is to blame
Robert Reich says:
"It's as if they didn't learn a thing from the 2012 elections. Republicans are on the same suicide mission as before -- trying to block immigration reform (if they can't scuttle it in the Senate, they're ready to in the House), roll back the clock on abortion rights (they're pushing federal and state legislation to ban abortions after the first 22 weeks), and stop gay marriage wherever possible."
Could be that the teacher is not credible?The primary problem is one of motivation. If Reich knew how to fix our problems, why would he tell us?

Also, when is reform not reform? Maybe when congress is involved.

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Thursday, June 06, 2013

There outta be a law

There outta be a law

The federal government is too powerful. They exempt themselves from legal action. They then exceed thier authority, and do damage to the public.

When an organization, such as the IRS, has been shown to be guilty of such activities (and the permissibility of the evidence should be liberal, and the legal protections removed in that determination, the organization should be defined as "outlaw". In this event, the organization, on the treat of dismissal, having been found guilty, all individuals in that organization are then liable for enhanced examination with no legal protect except as provided in this law. If shown to be guilty (using the relaxed standard of guilty, they will be dismissed until the organization has been decimated (head count reduced by 10 %.

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"the IRS now stands for something inflammatory. Those three letters are now on fire with political corruption and malfeasance, burning hot." - Martin Bashir

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Hypocrisy any one, we on the left have a surplus

Hypocrisy any one, we on the left have a surplus

"MARTIN BASHIR: The IRS is being used in exactly the same way as they tried to used the president's birth certificate. You see, for Republicans like Darrell Issa, who knows something about arson, the IRS now stands for something inflammatory. Those three letters are now on fire with political corruption and malfeasance, burning hot. Just like that suspicious fire that engulfed Mr. Issa's warehouse back in 1982. "

Alluding to events in the far past shows the hypocrisy of the left. Maybe not Martin himself, since I don't read him, so don't know. I try to read the views of the left, but they are so repetitive, and devoid of thought. No, I do try bur it is so difficult and unsatisfying.

Anyway, to accuse Bobby Jindal of being in a hotel with a women not his wife in the 1980's, without some supporting remarks, is hypocrisy. The left is famous for if it feels good, do it. A kennedy "can have have sex with that woman" then have her to drown in his car and that is ok. The killing of our ambassador is so yesterday that "what difference can it make, now?"

MARTIN BASHIR is also impugning the right with the modus operendi of the left. theres is the basic racism. All of their "blacks" must be left, or they attack them relentlessly. Io attack blacks more often then whites on the right, is racism. To attribute all criticism of the president as racism when he has other attributes, is racism.

O course in Martins defense, no one actually believes him, they are just supposed to go with the emotion. The left never needs facts, they are just made up to fit the story line. If a extremist attack doesn't fit, throw in a feeble excuse for a video (or the review of a video, or something)

The president can't possibly understand the IRS after only 150 meetings, come on, thats the racism of low expectations. Or as they said of Bush, "a lack of curiosity" of what his minions are doing.

The lies are unraveling, and everyone is in a panic. Take a breath, lefties, the panic is hurting your already poor performance. Take your licks like a man (or is that too sexist?)

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Sunday, June 02, 2013

Thank God for Peggy Noonan

Thank God for Peggy Noonan

Tea Party event, just people.

"But my friend got to the essence. He wrote, "The left likes to say, 'Watergate was worse!' Watergate was bad—don't get me wrong. But it was elites using the machinery of government to spy on elites. . . . It's something quite different when elites use the machinery of government against ordinary people. It's a whole different ball game.""

"Do those people really strike you as weird and radical? Do they seem destructive? They are normal citizens. And they feel besieged."

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Thank God for Peggy Noonan

Thank God for Peggy Noonan

Tea Party event, just people.

"But my friend got to the essence. He wrote, "The left likes to say, 'Watergate was worse!' Watergate was bad—don't get me wrong. But it was elites using the machinery of government to spy on elites. . . . It's something quite different when elites use the machinery of government against ordinary people. It's a whole different ball game.""

"Do those people really strike you as weird and radical? Do they seem destructive? They are normal citizens. And they feel besieged."

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