"... the core problem of the Democratic party: It has become the opposite of what its founders intended it to be, and indeed opposite of what it claims to be today. The party presents itself as the party of the people against the powerful, of political and economic equality for all, of true social justice. But the reality is that the party now offers special benefits, sometimes amounting to billions of taxpayer dollars, for those who contribute to its political success. "
Democrats do not tell the truth. It may be they are deluding themselves.
Trying to buy the Whitehouse with money rather than ideas, Mitt is the other side of the Obama coin. The politics of personal destruction, instead of the mature presentation of his views. (his views are what ever is poling well).
Santorum Delivers a GOP Stunner - King & Yadron, Wall Street Journal
I am a Newt backer, because I feel big changes need to be made at the federal level and Newt, has experience in making those changes. If everyone can get behind Rick Santorum, he is an acceptable substitute where Mitt is not. Rick is at least not a “go along, get along” guy, so we (Republican conservatives) could hold the white house while the House deconstructed the worst features of the Federal Government. I am sure Rick would veto any Progressive excess, while I am not sure Mitt would.
A Fairness Quiz for the President - Stephen Moore, Wall Street Journal
To all the progressives that support the president’s agenda, is it fair that progressives take money from others to give it away so they can get a warm fuzzy feeling? Wouldn’t it be fairer if they took drugs to get that feeling and leave the rest of us alone? And as to feelings, wouldn’t it be better for them to exercise their minds sometimes instead of relying on feelings?
David Farnsworth
desk- 469-6213
cell- (520)360-6965
Honeywell ME2/2 post C5