Codger on Politics

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Our Anti-Government Hypocrisy - Harold Meyerson, American Prospect
Hypocrisy is a biased term.  It is the questioner stupid, and is the assumption that government is ok, though to be the correct result?

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

said mr kettle about mr pot

Mitt: "Dirty Tricks" May Steal Michigan - Epstein & Summers, Politico

The feeling is mutual Mr. Romney

“Romney's remark that "it's very easy to excite the base with incendiary comments" seems to reveal that he doesn't have a very high opinion of "the base" of the Republican party.”
Romney's Low Opinion of the GOP "Base" - John McCormack, Weekly Std

A resounding recomendation for Santorum

"Progressives have an obvious interest in seeing the Republican Party choose a weak nominee, but they shouldn't hope for Santorum. He would be the most extreme candidate since Barry Goldwater -- and probably would suffer the same fate. But the nation can't afford to take that chance. "
This is saying Robinson thinks Santorum can win!

Call me paranoid

Santorum's Rhetoric Goes to Extreme - Eugene Robinson, Washington Post
“The idea that encouraging young people to go to college is really an attempt to lure them into indoctrination camps, or campuses, would be grossly insulting if it were not so comically paranoid.” By Eugene Robinson
Being paranoid does not mean they are not out to get you.  Roberson analysis is out-of-date, only the liberal establishment has the “needs university degree” prejudice.  It is all about the education you receive.  The internet, and junior colleges, offer a superior, more cost effective approach.

Monday, February 27, 2012

In History, is American Dream possible

This sounds like the Communist line, or maybe the Borg.  “Resistance is futile”.
Maybe so, but resistance is our duty.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Additions to previous post.

I will attempt to combine this with the previous post later…
This is a New York Time article talking about Obama criminal associates (my words, we should give him the benefit of the doubt).  Since the New York Times is hard over for Obama, this has more credibility for me.
This is also evidence the liberal establishment may be reexamining their stance on Obama
the call girl for client number nine; This is another shady associate.  I had no idea Obama was this dirty.
Nor will singing., this needs to be examines (I am where I cant open it).
The conclusion :
” Declining fundraising, suspect supporters, and the absence of an affirmative message—these are all signs of a campaign that is nowhere as strong as we have been led to believe. They undermine the notion that the 2008 campaign was all that impressive to begin with. And they point to a fact that soon will be impossible to ignore: President Obama has gotten sloppy.”
This may be wishful thinking, but I will take it.

An interesting selection for RCP

Obama Weaker Than He Seems - Matt Continetti, Washington Free Beacon
Details unseen weakness in President, compares to 2008 campaign, broken promises,
The turnabout on public financing, meanwhile, set the pattern for future reversals. First comes the flowery profession of left-wing ideals. Then the grubby realities set in and Obama and his team backtrack on earlier pledges.”
Obama’s core supporters, who despite the occasional griping were content with their man’s clichéd paeans to fairness and public investments and green energy economics.
This lack of serious intra-party criticism encouraged the Obama political team to become lazy. “

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The problem with the democratic party

"... the core problem of the Democratic party: It has become the opposite of what its founders intended it to be, and indeed opposite of what it claims to be today. The party presents itself as the party of the people against the powerful, of political and economic equality for all, of true social justice. But the reality is that the party now offers special benefits, sometimes amounting to billions of taxpayer dollars, for those who contribute to its political success. "

Democrats do not tell the truth. It may be they are deluding themselves.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Do Liberials Think? How about RINOs.

(I leave out conservative republicans because I am therefore I think, I can attest to myself, but the rest of you are in question.)
“Of late we have been struck powerfully by one such complication, namely the emotional intensity of the opposition to Santorum by some on the center-right. This has led them to criticize him on grounds that are utterly irrational.”
”Here's our attempt at an explanation: In liberal metropolises like Los Angeles, Washington and New York (homes of Friedersdorf, Rubin and this columnist, respectively), a high proportion of conservatives have internalized the assumptions of feminism. One of those assumptions is that female sexual freedom, an essential component of sexual equality, is an unadulterated good. Santorum's statements to the contrary challenge this deeply held view.”
I find this interesting because it seems to explain why people (right or left) can be so wrong.  They fail to question their assumptions.

Dangerious for whom

If a brokered convention risks unseating the current establishment get along go along politicians and staffers, it might be worth the risk of electing a suboptimal president.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Mitt the empty suit part 2

Is Romney Going to Run Out of Money? - Zeke Miller, BuzzFeed
“I don't know that he’s completely tapped out, but they are trying to look under every stone,” said a top New York Republican fundraiser. “You run out of people you can hit up for $2,500,” he said, referring to the legal limit for primary contributions.
“Here in New York he has had fundraiser after fundraiser after fundraiser,” said another top New York Republican. “Even in New York, there’s only so much you can get out of the city.”
Romney is unusually dependent on those contributions. Over 82 percent of Romney's haul from individuals in 2011 came in donations greater than $1000
New York City? Like the incredulous comment concerning salsa.  Mitt is a creature of big money, not you.

Mitt Romney is an empty suit

Trying to buy the Whitehouse with money rather than ideas, Mitt is the other side of the Obama coin. The politics of personal destruction, instead of the mature presentation of his views. (his views are what ever is poling well).

Friday, February 10, 2012

Obama is gone to preaching.

The Gospel According to Obama - Charles Krauthammer, National Review
“Therefore: To flatter his faith-breakfast guests and justify his tax policies, Obama declares good works to be the essence of religiosity. Yet he turns around and, through Sebelius, tells the faithful who engage in good works that what they’re doing is not religion at all. You want to do religion? Get thee to a nunnery. You want shelter from the power of the state? Get out of your soup kitchen and back to your pews. Outside, Leviathan rules.
The contradiction is glaring, the hypocrisy breathtaking. But that’s not why Obama offered a hasty compromise on Friday. It’s because the firestorm of protest was becoming a threat to his reelection. Sure, health care, good works, and religion are important. But reelection is divine.”
Obama is not only meddling with every other thing in your life, now he is gone to preaching.

Thursday, February 09, 2012

sources for liberal though

You see, I read the left-wing press. Not the urban throwaway rags, but I read the Nation, the Progressive, the American Prospect, and more

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

The meaning of RIck Santorum's Victories.

Santorum Delivers a GOP Stunner - King & Yadron, Wall Street Journal

I am a Newt backer, because I feel big changes need to be made at the federal level and Newt, has experience in making those changes.  If everyone can get behind Rick Santorum, he is an acceptable substitute where Mitt is not.  Rick is at least not a go along, get along guy, so we (Republican conservatives) could hold the white house while the House deconstructed the worst features of the Federal Government. I am sure Rick would veto any Progressive excess, while I am not sure Mitt would.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

That's not fair!

A Fairness Quiz for the President - Stephen Moore, Wall Street Journal

To all the progressives that support the president’s  agenda, is it fair that progressives take money from others to give it away so they can get a warm fuzzy feeling? Wouldn’t it be fairer if they took drugs to get that feeling and leave the rest of us alone? And as to feelings, wouldnt it be better for them to exercise their minds sometimes instead of relying on feelings?

David Farnsworth


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