Codger on Politics

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Essential Krugman

Essential Krugman

"OK, that can't be right — and the fact that Giles reaches that conclusion is a strong indicator that he himself is doing something wrong."

I read the words but no sense is coming out. This is out of the blue, fact free.

Dave Farnsworth

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Progressive resilient arrogance

Progressive resilient arrogance

""They had a dream. For almost a hundred years now, the famed academic-artistic-and-punditry industrial complex has dreamed of a government run by their kind of people (i.e., nature's noblemen), whose intelligence, wit, and refined sensibilities would bring us a heaven on earth. Their keen intellects would cut through the clutter as mere mortals' couldn't. They would lift up the wretched, oppressed by cruel forces. Above all, they would counter the greed of the merchants, the limited views of the business community, and the ignorance of the conformist and dim middle class.

Out of sorts and out of office after 1828, when power passed from the Adamses to the children of burghers and immigrants, they had begun to strike back by the 1920s, led by the likes of George Bernard Shaw, H. G. Wells, H. L. Mencken, Herbert Croly, and Sinclair Lewis. Their stock in trade was their belief in themselves, and their contempt for the way the middle class thought, lived, and made and spent money: Commerce was crude, consumption was vulgar, and industry, which employed millions and improved the lives of many more people, too gross and/or grubby for words. ""

They won't admit to their failure, but we can see it.

It needs to be rooted out of the government and the universities.

Dave Farnsworth

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Progressivism exposed

Progressivism exposed

"The best example of the president's philosophy for governing in a divided Washington is his effort to raise the minimum wage. Last year the president called for raising the minimum wage in the State of the Union. This caught a lot of pundits in Washington by surprise because there hadn't been much discussion of the issue in recent years. The president wanted to put it on the table even though he knew the legislative path was difficult, to say the least. What has happened since that speech is pretty remarkable: The president has launched a national movement to raise wages in this country. To begin with, he signed an executive order to raise wages for people working on new federal contracts. He has also has called on states, cities and businesses to do their part in the absence of Congressional action. And the thing is, folks are listening: From Maryland to Hawaii, states are raising their wages, and from the Gap to Punch Pizza, businesses are doing their part too. The actions that have been taken in just five states this year -- Maryland, Connecticut, Minnesota, Vermont and Hawaii -- mean that more than a million workers will see a raise."

The problem with the presidents is the contrast between the blue states following his suggestions and tithe red states who don't. The closing fast food places and generally depressed blue state show the lie in the idea that the minimum wage doesn't depress employment.

Dave Farnsworth

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Progressive contempt for the un cowed

Progressive contempt for the un cowed

"What a wonderful lesson she could have taught those graduates about the perils of succeeding at any cost, about how moral shortcuts never lead to the right place."

Maureen Doud could be a replacement speaker since she has sold here integrity to echo the lies of the current failed government. She would have sold her soul, had she had one.

"And she only learned about Hamas’s shocking win in the Palestinian elections in 2006 when she was on her elliptical trainer watching the TV news crawl. After verifying it with State, she returned to exercising."  what is this about.  Is she saying Condi has descended to the like of Hillary and Barack?  Low blow. And not true.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

A lack of reason

A lack of reason

""Which is it, senator? You don't know as much as these scientists or you don't believe them?""

Really? Is that the choice? The two statements are not mutually exclusive. I know many smart progressives- that may be mutually exclusive- the reason for consensus is the strong herd instinct. Scientists are generally focused on their speciality but their reasoning otherwise is constrained.

Furthermore, science is ruled by former scientists who now control funding and appointments. Is it unreasonable to think unscientific considerations may influence. Federal funding is a huge distraction. You can't assume no influence there, and the government office of letter carriers and science is bound to stifle scientific thought.

Add to that the now discovered anomalies not explained by the models. The fact that the models themselves coordinate should indicate an inappropriate relationship between them. They all fail to predict the current conditions , no warming recently.

Actually the scientific arguments are beside the point. The article referenced lacks even the simplest form to persuade, it is a collection of one liner slanders.

For example:
""WASHINGTON -- "I do not believe that human activity is causing these dramatic changes to our climate the way these scientists are portraying it," said Sen. Marco Rubio.

Thus did the Florida Republican undermine his other assertion, to ABC's Jonathan Karl: that he is prepared to be president.""

This 'thus' is out of place. What is needed is a reason this disqualifies a candidate. A proper argument would be: since a majority of voters pick their noses, observations that the candidate never picks his nose, disqualifies him.

The unspoken assumption is that since the voters act one way, they expect that same action in their president.

I believe approval of Rubio by the progressive press would be a counter indicator of acceptability for president.

Dave Farnsworth

Opposing the majority

Opposing the majority

Donaldson, the black Baptist minister from St. Louis, wrinkles his nose when I tell him about the gay marriages underway at the nearby courthouse, not to mention what's happening in the NFL and Idaho. "I'm not for gay marriage," he seethes. "I'm against what God's against."

But, wait. That's precisely the justification given by segregationist politicians of the civil rights era. In Georgia, Gov. Allen Candler said, "God made them Negroes and we cannot by education make them white folks." Ross Barnett became Mississippi's governor in 1960 after claiming that "the good Lord was the original segregationist."

I ask Donaldson, How can a black man echo bigots to stifle gay rights?

"As far as hatred," he says, "I would never have hatred toward anybody."

Some wastes of time are worthwhile. The vocal minority rolling the system to enforce progressive dogma, is against the principles of democracy. That the minority controls the levers of power then uses them to in force conformity is a bad thing.

It is the reasoning of the Borg(from star trek), resistance is futile, we will I sorb you.

It is always wise to resist injustice even when inconvenient. The argument that a black person must support civil rights is raciest, much less the support of the progressive cause de jour.

Dave Farnsworth

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Left Coast Urban Renewal

Left Coast Urban Renewal

""A large section of the mighty West Antarctica ice sheet has begun falling apart and its continued melting now appears to be unstoppable, two groups of scientists reported on Monday. If the findings hold up, they suggest that the melting could destabilize neighboring parts of the ice sheet and a rise in sea level of 10 feet or more may be unavoidable in coming centuries.""

While I am a "denier", assuming this is true, what is the harm. The loss of "fat cat" beach front property isn't a problem, new beaches will form. If the major "left coast" cities are inundated, the progressive governments will have devolved the cities into wastelands long before the waters rise.

Many small island nations may lose the natural surface, but ten feet is nothing for a high rise and every apartment will have an ocean view. Ideal for the progressive refugees.

The tragedy would be if the waters don't raise. A dike and windmills could solve the problem a la Holland, but in reverse.

The idea is that humans can adapt, and an environmental creative destruction can be a very good thing.

Dave Farnsworth

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

A useful litmus test

A useful litmus test

"" "I do not believe that human activity is causing these dramatic changes to our climate the way these scientists are portraying it."

There's something almost cute about the last part of that sentence — a hedge he can bring out in a general election if he's accused of willful stupidity. I'm not a climate-change denier, he might say, I just don't think scientists are giving us an accurate picture.""

I agree, the last part is a little polite. I might say," the way these "scientists" are claiming. They are full of progressive non thought having accommodated the political correct university system. They fund their own "willful ignorance " on federal grants"

The statement "Rubio defenders might argue that it doesn’t matter whether or not the senator thinks “human activity is causing these dramatic changes to our climate” — so long as he’s willing to do something about those dramatic changes.": falsely attributes Rubio  as agreeing the climate changes are dramatic. This straw an argument ignores the lack of recorded climate change. Like the piece of the sky hitting chicken little, climate change is happening, but the odds are the sky will fall before the climate change is even unusual.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Let Liberal Universities go it alone

Let Liberal Universities go it alone

"We don't dispute the universities' prerogatives to be selective in choosing speakers. And we're conscious of the fact that awarding an honorary degree is an even more sensitive consideration given that the recipient will bear the imprimatur of the university. What troubles us, however, is the inconsistency of the standards applied.

It's a matter of common knowledge that university campuses are traditionally friendly environs for even the most radical figures of the progressive Left. That's not necessarily objectionable. A full survey of the intellectual landscape should include marginal voices."

Universities not open to all, should not be funded by government.  They can exist due to contributions, but support for institutions of dogma is akin to a state religion.

State universities, in particular should be privatized and verifiability neutral intuitions be established to replace them.

A Successful Coverup

A Successful Coverup

""A superb analysis by Washington journalist Michael Hirsh, for Politico magazine, details the flimsiness of the most serious Benghazi charges. There's "little evidence that Clinton or anyone else in the Administration engaged in a cover-up." The Republican goal, he writes, is to make the attacks on Hillary Clinton a refresher on what she would face in 2016, making her more reluctant to run.""

"There is little evidence" indicates the coverup has succeeded. But what little evidence there is
is a sufficient reason to investigate. Unlike Nixon, the president Party is complicit. The federal civil service has participants in the over up also.

It is counter intuitive that any thing by the federal government would succeeded so we'll. Maybe the possibility of if jail is a strong motivator.

Friday, May 09, 2014

It's The Coverup, Stupid!

It's The Coverup, Stupid!
Sure, there was a period of time after the attack when Republicans and Democrats alike were making a concerted effort to determine what really happened that night. We all wanted a thorough investigation into how the attack came about, why our military couldn't save the victims, and who was at fault. The families of the four brave Americans killed in Benghazi—Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, and Glen Doherty—deserved an impartial inquiry."

Like watergate, it isn't about what happened in Banghazi or the second rate robbery, but the illegal actions used in the coverup. Lying to congress is a "big fucking deal".

Previous investigations worked on the edges of the coverup. The new one will unravel the government wide conspiracy. As the bit players fall on their swords (or not), the truth will come out.

There are too many lies in play, and the players are not that swift-- dude!

Dave Farnsworth

The Consequential Obama, not

The Consequential Obama, not

"WASHINGTON -- Is it safe to say that Barack Obama's presidency will be remembered as the most consequential since Ronald Reagan's -- a presidency that "changed the trajectory of America" and "put us on a fundamentally different path"?


Oboma has been exposed as a caricature of the progressive mind. Conservatives now have the chance to extend the Reagan changes and dismantle the organized progressive clerics. They can rebalance the Supreme Court, and power between federal and state. Let the progressives work at the state and local level to demonstrate their competence or lack thereof.

Dave Farnsworth

Thursday, May 08, 2014

Education financing, not

Education financing, not

"So: if total student debt is a trillion dollars, and annual federal support to higher education that can be eliminated is $109 billion, cancelling both would allow the Treasury to break even in only nine years—and that assumes that if the trillion-dollar debt were not canceled, all of it would eventually be repaid, which it obviously wouldn't be. The default rate is about 10%."

A use of the reaction to Obama's excesses that could be a game changer

Dave Farnsworth

Thursday, May 01, 2014

Needs versus wants

Needs versus wants

"In the real world, there is no insuperable obstacle to believing both that individuals should be free and that governments have a critical role to play in making things better. The hard -- and never-ending -- challenge is how to give government the considerable powers that it needs to secure the manifold conditions of freedom while keeping it from abusing those powers. Even during the simpler times when our federal republic was young, that tradeoff required accommodating competing interests and balancing contending rights."

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Government has more power than it needs but not nearly as much as it wants. Who is to say how much it needs?

How about the constitution.

How about its current level with a permanent special prosecutor to jail government officials and workers who desire more?

Dave Farnsworth