Keep thinking this way Dems, you are in for a wild ride.
"Not so long ago, U.S. politicians who robotically toed the party line were considered shameless hacks. And ideologues were seen as wingnuts—self-righteous cranks unable to cope with life's complexities. Today, such people dominate our national politics. How are they doing? If the measure is simplifying and sharpening dueling political narratives, they are doing a fine job. If it is governing, they are failing miserably."
The author here thinks he is talking about Republicans. Is it obvious that the Republicans in charge have lost grip in the controls. The Dems have not.
Speaking of governing, That doesn't just mean shoveling tax payers money to special interests. That doesn't mean passing bills you haven't nor couldn't read. That does mean keeping an eye out for misdeeds.
" In this Manichean hothouse, the battle lines are clear and everyone knows their place. To break ranks on any major issue is treason, to see merit in the other side's point of view is heresy, to compromise is to sell out and to engage in political horse-trading is corrupt. Finding common ground? That's so 20th century. Don't bore us with intellectual honesty, nuance or shades of grey—just pick a side, slug it out and let the best team win."
I am surprised the author brings this up. It is called projecting: assuming your opponent has your flaws. I can see only democrat's in this role.
"Unfortunately, this year's midterm elections could only make things worse. It's not inconceivable that Republicans, if they win full control of Congress, will sober up and shoulder the responsibilities of governing jointly with a Democratic president. But it's easier to imagine the next two years being consumed by more Tea Party banzai charges on Obamacare, multiplying Hill inquests into alleged White House misdeeds, routine filibuster abuse, stalled nominations and other symptoms of general legislative paralysis."
Wait, if the republicans control the senate, any filibustering will be by dems. Banzai charges may not be necessary as dems defect. There is a possibility veto's can be overwritten. The possibility of controlling the agenda may well sober up the republicans, but the result may not be kowtowing to Obama. The misdeeds of the executive might be addressed with impeachment, not of Obama but his closest henchman. ( john Dean comes to mind). Once the wheels of justice are unstuck, the small fry may be racing to the exits with the "get out of jail stories".
"Polarization today might be higher than is has been at any point in the past 70 years, but again the parties are not mirror images of one another. Republicans have become a truly ideological party, with fully 72 percent calling themselves conservative. Democrats, though leaning more to the left, are still a philosophically diverse coalition, with 39 percent identifying as liberal, 37 percent as moderate and 25 percent as conservative."
There is another reason: liberalism is a damaged brand. The voters don't like liberals, so many democrats pretend they are not.
"Funny, I don't feel like a statistical myth. But Klein has half a point." I would venture to guess the author is not a moderate though he apparently thinks he is. He seems hate filled, not a moderate characteristic.