Criticism of Progressives from the Free Bacon?
Obama-care discontinues Medicare Advantage.
Alright, if that is not enough, Your doctor is going to no longer accept you as a patient, because Obamacare is lowering the payments to doctors. Doctors are already turning away new Medicare patients. If you have Medicare Advantage, you are not viewed as a Medicare patient, but that is going away.
It may be that your doctor will not turn you away... until he has to go out of business.
The issue of insurance is moot, if there is no doctor to serve you.
also see: ObamaCare vs. Medicare: The Bottom Line - Grace-Marie Turner,
Liberal half truths, but better than the pants on fire lies
The Plutocrat Ticket - Paul Begala, The Daily Beast
"Paul Begala: With Ryan, Romney Has the Plutocrat Ticket
by Paul Begala Aug 11, 2012 8:47 AM EDT
By choosing Paul Ryan—the guy who wants to slash taxes on the rich and gut the government—Romney shows he's decided to go nuclear in the class war."
Paul Beyala is doing a bit of transference, he represents the self appointed liberal elite. They deal with power and have successfully acquired it. They only have a problem with conservative rich, and at 200 million, Mitt and his father barely make the cut. now, the only problem with rich conservatives is their failure to kow tow to Berry's fanatics.
"In selecting Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney has doubled-down on the one thing he has never flip-flopped on: economic elitism. Romney, born to wealth, has selected Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan, who was also born to wealth. As the former University of Oklahoma football coach, Barry Switzer, once said of someone else: both these guys were born on third and thought they hit a triple."
More transference. Barack (Berry) Obama has never had a situation he could not handle by voting "Present".
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Doubling down on "stupid"
Palin's Star Gets Dimmer
by Noah Kristula-Green Jul 31, 2012 4:00 PM EDT
"Palin still wields influence within the party, her endorsements seem to affect some election outcomes and she is not yet regarded by everyone as a complete embarrassment (she was the keynote speaker at the most recent CPAC) but on the whole, even her die-hard fans concede that she should not be given actual power."
I find if frustrating to listen to arguments like that above, from stupid, ignorant, self-rigious, self appoint elites whom I will refer to as "Progressives". I have noticed they often make derogatory remarks concerning Sara Palin. This is a convenient litmus test for detecting progressives. Thus their thoughts can be ignored to avoid that queasy feeling and the urge to correct them.
I still find myself listening to progressives since the are so numerous, but I am working to keep my cool. I am unchristian to allow them to remain in a state of ignorance, but they are so many an there is so little time.
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