For GOP, the Damage Is Undeniable-Not!
"The deal to open the government and raise the debt ceiling may be done, but the damage to the national Republican Party is considerable.
One GOP consultant — who clearly hails from the more conservative end of his party — didn't hold back recently in slamming the "no compromise" conservatives who led House Republicans off the political cliff with a government shutdown and by flirting with a debt default."
One GOP consultant may be right that his world is ending, he has a target on his back. All of the existing consultants will bring a stink to any republican which hires them. The Tea party doesn't control a majority, but they have shown they can wag the dog. Both republican and democratic representatives have shown their true colors which may influence their reelection.
"The problem, of course, is that the Ted Cruz/Ted Yoho wing of the party doesn't really believe in negotiation, which, at its core, requires compromise. And while they don't like compromise, they are particularly unwilling to negotiate with a president they regard as illegitimate and at war with fundamental American values."
It is the Senate and the President who said they wouldn't negotiate. Bill after bill were passed giving ground to the president which were not accepted. It is the Senate who wouldn't pass even the smallest bill to elevate pain. It is the President who took hostages then proceeded to shoot them. And by the way, the President has been shown to be willing to default to save the Progressive drift (i.e. the war with the American way).
"Small donors will be disenchanted that Republican officeholders caved on both the shutdown and debt ceiling, " ??, wait how can this be, just above we are told the republicans wouldn't compromise, now they caved? The grass roots have had it, the resulting strength will be felt in 2014.
"while the larger donors, who tend to be more pragmatic, are likely to sit on their cash for fear that the GOP will do something else crazy to threaten the economy and the party's electoral prospects." The democrats have been shown to be the party of crony capitalism, and the big corporations are already in the Dem camp
"GOP insiders point out that while the party clearly has lost some ground in recent years among swing voters because of its position on cultural issues, the party's great strength — at least up until now — was that it was generally seen by independents as fiscally responsible and prudent on economic matters. Now that argument may be more difficult for Republicans to make." The states make the argument that the Republicans are competent to lead. GOP insiders are the problem. The DC bubble has been exposed as dysfunctional, and the Tea party has been shown to be principled.
"Of course, polls have also shown that Obamacare has become more popular over the past few weeks, in spite of the inept rollout of the program. Instead of being able to capitalize on the snafus, Republicans have talked about the legislative deadlock, robbing themselves of a potentially useful talking point."
Now the author is just delusional. The Obmamacare albatross has been security tied to the Democratic necks. Over and over, the Dems went all in for ObamaCare. It is failing now and will continue to fail and the scapegoats have identified themselves.
""We need to have good years in (what should be) good years, because you know we are going to have bad years in bad years," he continued, worrying that the last two weeks have turned lemonade back into a lemon for House Republicans.
All of this leaves two questions. First, are we going to see a replay of the last few weeks in January and February, when the current budget deal expires? And second, will a full-scale Republican civil war — which could be played out in Senate races from Kentucky to Kansas and Mississippi — follow?"
The script seems to be the rise of the confederacy due to the emphasis on state rights. The real story is the tremendous overreach of the federal government under this administration. Only the left coasts are exempt from the disgust Americans feel for the trampling of their rights. The constitutional authors times are very relevant to todays conflict. Those get along go along GOPers, may feel they are being betrayed, since they feel deserving of being in charge. King Obama and his minions are law breakers and un american. We have had enough and won't take anymore. This is bigger than the political parties and we should be willing to sacrifice the republican party to defeat the Dems.
Into the vacuum, new and better representatives will appear.